Say what you will about Dr. Laura...


New member
but, I just heard her unabashedly defend the principle of keeping one at home for protection.

A caller expressed her concerns over the fact her husband keeps a gun in a 'lockbox' in the closet. They have several small children, and apparently the poor schmuck left it lay out(unloaded) on the bed one day for the wife to find it(not the kids). While admonishing the husband for his ignorance, Dr. Laura made it perfectly clear to the wife she has no problem with it being locked up safely. The wife even asked,"Should it be kept in there LOADED?". The Dr.'s reply was. "Honey, if you ever NEED it, I'd hate to tell the bad guy to 'just hold-on a minute.'":eek:

After she'd hung up with the caller, Laura said,"I should've asked what kind of gun it was...just out of curiousity." Could it be she has more than a passing interest in them?:D

Jeff Thomas

New member
Good for her.

Dr. Laura may not be the warmest, fuzziest woman on the radio, but I do believe she has a solid head on her shoulders. In a pinch, I can think of many women (and men) I would pass over if I needed a dependable partner ... Dr. Laura would be a keeper.

IIRC, I believe it was Dr. Laura who mentioned taking some firearms training some time back.

Regards from AZ

Ed Brunner

New member
Dr Laura has made some significant changes based on her continuing education. At one time she was 100% against firearms in the home. Now she apparently thinks they are OK. I heard that she has had firearms training but I can't confirm it.


Moderator Emeritus
She's not quite there yet...

I agree that everyone who carries a gun must be licensed and that the regulations should be very strict. In order to be allowed to carry a gun, I think we should have to pass a test to make sure we can take it apart, put it back together again, clean it, load it, unload it, etc. And we should have to pass a marksman's test to get the gun and periodic tests to be allowed to keep it.

To be perfectly honest, I haven't thought this all the way through. It's just that I'm getting more and more concerned about the direction in which our society is moving, and it's becoming clearer and clearer that we need protection from ourselves.
-- Dr. Laura, Sept. 1999

She may not be completely for us, but she certainly isn't completely against us either. We need to see more antis move to this "middle ground," then more "middle grounders" move to our side of the barricade. It is a slow process that can only be done one-at-a-time.

:) Who have *you* talked to today about responsible firearms ownership? :)


New member
She seemed to have an epiphany shortly after the Jewish Community Center Shooting which was only a few miles from where she broadcasts her show.


New member
Most importantly, she is not afraid to express her view on-air.

Now if we can only get somebody with a softer image to do the same.