SAW WHAT THEY DID SERIES BEGINS... MILSTUFF 7.62x54 -vs- Springfield 30.06

DE Shooter

New member
OK "SEASONED" WARRIORS...maybe some youngsters too. Please relate some "saw what it did" info to show the affect these two historic calibers did; not just for what you saw your in global conflicts...but what you think they did historically...if you want to offer your opinion. I know that the x54 stuff is still kickin around in real world conflict scenarios and that the .06 probably isn't. I really enjoy shooting them both and from my limited time in any conflict arena...I find the history of these "classics" fasinating. Thanks to all for infor...Happy New years to All.


New member
They both load to within a few hundred joules of energy using nearly the same size bullets. If you were downrange of a gun firing either and couldn't see what it was and they were both firing at the same speed you're not going to know the difference.


New member
There are millions of rounds of 30.06, mil spec, hunting rounds as well, in the World, not to long ago it was the most popular calibre in the USA.

Not forgetting the fact that the best Rifle in WW11 was the Mi Garand.


New member
I just read an article at my father in laws where the author and others compared the major sniper rifles of WW2. They tried to used the same (or replica) scopes and period (or closest to) ammo. The Mosin outperformed the rifles the others out to 100 yards on there small test They admitted it wasn't a definitive test of the rifles. They theorized because the Russian had a dedicated sniper program going in and made rifle for sniping. It was in GUN magazine or something, I'm not really sure.


New member
All of the nominally .30 caliber rounds from WWI and WWII are similar in performance. The rimless rounds might have an advantage in semis and machine guns.

For modern users the .30-06 probably has an advantage because of all the research government and civilian sellers put into it and all the tinkering by reloaders.