Saw something the other night

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New member
a wagon loaded with hay bales and teenagers on our road, I was on my motorcycle, a young man bout 12 or so stood up and mooned us...... I didnt know what to do, so I made sure I had a fulll mag in the .45 and 911 on the speed dial :) kids can do lots of damage so we tend to shoot first ask questions later.......... let God decide.........

Just thought Iwould post as some others do here :)
bunch of 'fraidy cats :) from some of the posts I read up on.

Lots of strangers around, driving large vehilcles thru the fields...... with wagons....... Oh it is harvest time :) and most are teenagers........ driving 250,000 vehicles.......


New member

"full mag in the .45" for a 12-yr-old doin nothing dangerous or harmful? Wow...that's the mentality that should not be packing...
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