Save Money Reloading Handgun Ammo?


New member
I am thinking about buying some equipment and components so I can start reloading my own ammo. My father-in-law used to reload sometimes, but he says that it saves so little money per round that he would rather just buy his ammo.

I shoot a variety of centerfire handgun calibers. Would I save enough per box of ammo to make reloading worthwhile?


New member
All depends on how much you shoot. 9MM is not much of a money saver. You mentioned more than one caliber. So maybe then,but all depends on how much you shoot


New member
If you are a frequent shooter or use expensive calibers then you will save money.

Yes, you will spend money reloading but after the initial investment your expenses drop greatly.

I could not afford to shoot as frequently as I do without reloading.


New member
I shoot about 8K of 45ACP a year. Runs me about $1450 reloading Zero 185 FMJs. Can't shoot factory for even close to that. A couple of buddies of mine are running more like 20K of 9mm at 10 cents a piece. Do the math. Reloading's the only way to go if you shoot much.

Sight Unseen

New member
I just remember what Hickok45 said about reloading. Something along the lines of if you reload, you'll end up shooting more so the savings kind of negate themselves.

That being said I don't reload and I also don't shoot that much so I'm not an expert. However I would regard Hickok45 as one.


New member
Actually you do save money, especially when you buy in big lots. I buy bullets and primers in 10K lots. That 8K I mentioned is only the 45. Doesn't count the .223. My friends with the 9mms are splitting 50K lots. Sounds like a bunch until you remember that's only about a year's worth of ammo. It all depends on how you to spend your disposable income.


New member
It also very much depends on how you view it a chore you have to do to get ammo to shoot, or is it an enjoyable activity (to get ammo to shoot).

I've enjoyed reloading a lot but it's not for everybody and certainly doesn't mean a darn thing if it isn't your cup of tea.

Check out some of the pictures in this thread for an idea of what reloading can become:

Lost Sheep

New member
Other benefits than savings

The fish I catch might cost more than the fish I buy;
The veggies I grow might cost more than the those I buy;
The ammunition I shoot might cost more than retail;
Why do I fish, garden and handload?
If you have to ask why, you probably won't understand; these activities enrich my life.

Actually, to tell the truth, I do calculate the cost of my ammunition, fish and zuccini. I even include the dollar value of my time. If you have to ask why, you probably won't understand. Running the numbers satisfies my curiosity. If including my time in the cost of my handloads makes them appear to cost more than store-bought, so be it. I don't care. If it doesn't enrich me, it, at least, enriches my life.

Let me count the ways:

Economy: Depending on what cartridges you are reloading (and whether or not you want to count your time and the up-front equipment costs) you can save anywhere from just a little to 80% or more of your ammo costs. (9mm is very close to no savings. 500 S&W, my friend's ammo costs are $0.75 per round, factory loaded ammo is $3.00 each for comparable ammo. More exotic calibers (especially rifle calibers) can save even more. Some rounds are not even available on a regular basis at any price.

Quality: Ammo you craft yourself can be tuned to your firearms particular characteristics. Handloaders for rifles quite often find some individual guns have quite striking differences in group size when shooting tuned ammunition.

Knowledge: As you study reloading, you will, perforce, also study internal ballistics. The study of internal ballistics leads into the study of how your firearm works.

Customization: Ammo you load yourself can be tuned to your particular needs. My friend with the 500 S&W loads full power loads and "powder puff" loads that clock 350 grain slugs a little under 800 feet per second. I know that's more than a G.I. 45 ACP's power and momentum, but they shoot like 22 rimfire in that big, heavy gun. Great for fun, familiarization, training and letting the curious bystander go for a "test drive" with a super-light load, a medium load, a heavy load and, if they are still game one of the big boomers. This tends to avoid the "rear sight in the forehead" mark.

Satisfaction: Punching small bunches of small, medium or large holes in paper or bringing down a game or food animal with ammunition you crafted yourself has a good deal of satisfaction. Same reason I prefer to make my own biscuits instead of store-bought.

Smug satisfaction: When the ammo shelves are bare during a market or political scare, loaders are demonstrably less affected by the shortages. A couple of pounds of powder, a thousand primers and bullets (or few pounds of lead) and a hundred cartridge cases wouldn't fill a small book carton, but lets the loader know he can shoot while price-gougers take advantage of non-loaders.

Self-satisfaction: The repetitive, calm, attentive concentration of the reloading activities is often found to be so much fun as to bring to the shooter's mind the question, "Do I reload so I can shoot shoot or do I shoot so I can reload?". Some find loading to be as satisfying a hobby as shooting or fly-tying or many other hobbies.

The more fanatical among us combine a couple of the features I have mentioned and, instead of shooting for bullseye accuracy at the range, reload in a search for the "magic load" that achieves perfection in a given rifle. Then, they move on to the next target, which is another rifle and another tuned load. But you do have to be at least a little fanatical to even get it. It is the hunt they seek, for they enjoy the quest more than the goal.

I am sure there are many other reasons, but these are the main ones I can think of.

Handloading is not rocket science, but it does involve flame and smoke and things that go very fast, so caution is appropriate. If you can change a tire without losing your lug nuts and follow a cake recipe reasonably well, you can reload.

Thanks for asking our advice

Lost Sheep

Lost Sheep

New member
10 Advices for the Novice Loader

10 Advices for the novice loader

I have thought of a few things I think are useful for handloaders to know or to consider which seem to be almost universally mentioned, so I put together this list of 10 advices.

Much is a matter of personal taste and circumstance, though. So, all advice carries this caveat, "your mileage may vary".

So you can better evaluate my words, here is the focus of my experience. I load for handguns (44 Mag, 45 ACP, 45 Colt, 454 Casull, 9mm, 357 Mag, 480 Ruger) a couple hundred per sitting and go through 100 to 500 centerfire rounds per month. I don't cast....yet.

When I bought my first gun (.357 Magnum Dan Wesson revolver), I bought, at the same time, a reloading setup because I knew I could not afford to shoot if I did not reload my own ammo. My setup was simple. A set of dies, a press, a 2" x 6" plank, some carriage bolts and wing nuts, a scale, two loading blocks. I just mounted the press on the plank wedged into the drawer of an end table. I did not use a loading bench at all.

It cost me about 1/4 of factory ammo per round and paid for itself pretty quickly.

I still believe in a minimalist approach and and try to keep my inventory of tools low. I do not keep my loading gear set up when not in use, either, but pack them away in small toolboxes until the next loading session.

Now, here are my Ten Advices.

Advice #1 Use Reliable Reference Sources Wisely - Books, Videos, Web Sites, etc.

Study up in loading manuals until you understand the process well, before spending a lot of (or any) money on equipment.

Read as many manuals as you can, for the discussion of the how-to steps found in their early chapters. The reason you want more than one or two manuals is that you want to read differing authors/editors writing styles and find ones that "speak" to you. What one manual covers thinly, another will cover well so give better coverage of the subject; one author or editor may cover parts of the subject more thoroughly than the others. The public library should have manuals you can read, then decide which ones you want to buy. Dated, perhaps but the basics are pretty unchanging.

I found "The ABC's of Reloading" to be a very good reference. Containing no loading data but full of knowledge and understanding of the process. I am told the older editions are better than the newer ones, so the library is looking even better.

There are instructional videos now that did not exist in the '70s when I started, but some are better than others. Filter all casual information through a "B.S." filter.

Only after you know the processing steps of loading can you look at the contents of of a dealer's shelves, a mail-order catalog or a reloading kit and know what equipment you want to buy. If you are considering a loading kit, you will be in a better position to know what parts you don't need and what parts the kits lack. If building your own kit from scratch, you will be better able to find the parts that will serve your into the future without having to do trade-ins.

Advice #2 All equipment is good. But is it good FOR YOU?

Almost every manufacturer of loading equipment makes good stuff; if they didn't, they would lose reputation fast and disappear from the marketplace. Generally you get what you pay for and better equipment costs more. Cast aluminum is lighter and less expensive but not so abrasion resistant as cast iron. Cast iron lasts practically forever. Aluminum generally takes more cleaning and lubrication to last forever. Just think about what you buy. Ask around. Testimonials are nice. But if you think Ford/Chevy owners have brand loyalty, you have not met handloaders. Testimonials with reasoning behind them are better. RCBS equipment is almost all green, Dillon-blue, Lee-red. Almost no manufacturers cross color lines and many handloaders simply identify themselves as "Blue" or whatever. Make your own choices.

About brand loyalties, an example: Lee Precision makes good equipment, but is generally considered the "economy" equipment maker (though some of their stuff is considered preferable to more expensive makes, as Lee has been an innovator both in price leadership which has introduced many to loading who might not otherwise have been able to start the hobby and in introduction of innovative features like their auto-advancing turret presses). But there are detractors who focus on Lee's cheapest offerings to paint even their extremely strong gear as inferior. My advice: Ignore the snobs.

On Kits: Almost every manufacturer makes a kit that contains everything you need to do reloading (except dies and the consumables). A kit is decent way to get started. Eventually most people wind up replacing most of the components of the kit as their personal taste develops (negating the savings you thought the kit gave you), but you will have gotten started, at least.

On building your own kit: The thought processes you give to assembling your own kit increases your knowledge about reloading. You may get started a couple weeks later than if you started with a kit, but you will be far ahead in knowledge.

Advice #3 While Learning, don't get fancy. Progressive, turret or Single Stage? Experimental loads? Pushing performance envelopes? Don't get fancy.

While you are learning, load mid-range at first so overpressures are not concerns. Just concentrate on getting the mechanical steps of loading right and being VERY VERY consistent (charge weight, crimp strength, bullet seating depth, primer seating force, all that). Use a voluminous, "fluffy", powder that is, one that is easy to see that you have charged the case and which will overflow your cartridge case if you mistakenly put two powder charges in it.

While learning, only perform one operation at a time. Whether you do the one operation 50 (or 20) times on a batch of cases before moving on to the next operation - "Batch Processing" or take one case through all the sequence of operations between empty case to finished cartridge - "Continuous Processing", sometimes known as "Sequential Processing", learn by performing only one operation at a time and concentrating on THAT OPERATION. On a single stage press or a turret press, this is the native way of operation. On a progressive press, the native operation is to perform multiple operations simultaneously. Don't do it. While you can learn on a progressive press, in my opinion too many things happen at the same time, thus are hard to keep track of (unless you load singly at first). Mistakes DO happen and you want to watch for them ONE AT A TIME. Until handloading becomes second nature to you.

Note: A turret press is essentially a single stage press with a moveable head which can mount several dies at the same time. What makes it like a single stage rather than a progressive is that you are still using only one die at a time, not three or four dies simultaneously at each stroke.

On the Turret vs Single stage the decision is simpler. You can do everything on a Turret EXACTLY the same way as you do on a single stage (just leave the turret stationary). That is, a Turret IS a single stage if you don't rotate the head.

Learning on a progressive can be done successfully, but it is easier to learn to walk in shoes than on roller skates.

Also, a good, strong, single stage press is in the stable of almost every reloader I know, no matter how many progressives they have. They always keep at least one.

Advice #4 Find a mentor.

There is no substitute for someone watching you load a few cartridges and critiquing your technique BEFORE you develop bad habits or make a dangerous mistake. (A mistake that might not have consequences right away, but maybe only after you have escaped trouble a hundred times until one day you get bit, for instance having case lube on your fingers when you handle primers; 99 times, no problem because primers are coated with a sealant, but the hundredth primer may not be perfectly sealed and now winds up "dead")

I started loading with the guy who sold me my press watching over my shoulder as I loaded my first 6 rounds to make sure I did not blow myself up, load a powderless cartridge or set off a primer in the press. I could have learned more, faster with a longer mentoring period, but I learned a lot in those first 6 rounds, as he explained each step. I educated myself after that. But now, on the internet, I have learned a WHOLE LOT MORE. But in-person is still the best.

After you have been mentored, mentor someone else. Not necessarily in loading or the shooting sports, but in SOMETHING in which you are enthusiastic and qualified. Just give back to the community.

Advice #5 Design your loading space for safety, efficiency, easse, cleanliness

Your loading bench/room is tantamount to a factory floor. There is a whole profession devoted to industrial engineering, the art and science of production design. Your loading system (layout, process steps, quality control, safety measures, etc) deserves no less attention than that.

For example, consider the word "workflow". Place your components' supplies convenient to the hand that will place them into the operation and the receptacle(s) for interim or finished products, too. You can make a significant increase in safety and in speed, too, with well thought out design of your production layout, "A" to "Z", from the lighting to the dropcloth to the fire suppression scheme.

One factor often neglected is where the scale is located. Place your scale where it is protected from drafts and vibration and is easy to read and operate, eye level, in good light, etc.

Advice #6 Keep Current on loading technology

Always use a CURRENT loading manual. Ballistic testing has produced some new knowledge over the years and powder chemistry has changed over the years, too. They make some powders differently than they used to and even some powder names may have changed. However, if you are using 10 year old powder, you may want to check a 10 year old manual for the recipe. Then double check with a modern manual and then triple check with the powder maker.

Read previous threads on reloading and watch videos available on the web. But be cautious. There is both good information and bad information found in casual sources, so see my advice #10.

Advice #7 You never regret buying the best (but once)

When you buy the very best, it hurts only once, in the wallet. When you buy too cheaply it hurts every time you use the gear. The trick is to buy good enough (on the scale between high quality and low price) to keep you happy without overpaying for features you don't need. "The delicious flavor of low price fades fast. The wretched aftertaste of poor quality lingers long."

Advice #8 Tungsten Carbide dies (or Titanium Nitride) rather than tool steel.

T-C dies instead of regular tool steel (which require lubrication for sizing your brass) for your straight-walled cartridge cases. T-C dies do not require lubrication, which will save you time. Carbide expander button for your bottlenecked cases. Keeps lube out of the inside of the cases.

Advice #9 Safety Always Safety All Ways.

Wear eye protection, especially when seating primers. Gloves are good, too, especially if using the Lee "Hammer" Tools. Children (unless they are good helpers, not just playing around) are at risk and are a risk. Pets, too unless they have been vetted (no, not that kind of vetting). Any distractions that might induce you to forget charging a case (no charge or a double charge, equally disturbing). Imagine everything that CAN go wrong. Then imagine everything that you CAN'T imagine. I could go on, but it's your eyes, your fingers, your house, your children (present of future - lead is a hazard, too. Wash after loading and don't eat at your bench). Enough said?

Advice #10 Take all with a grain of salt.

Verify for yourself everything you learn. Believe only half of what you see and one quarter of what you hear. That goes double for everything you find on the internet (with the possible exception of the actual web sites of the bullet and powder manufacturers). This advice applies to my message as much as anything else and especially to personal load recipes. Hare-brained reloaders might have dangerous habits and even an honest typographical error could be deadly. I heard about a powder manufacturer's web site that dropped a decimal point once. It was fixed REAL FAST, but mistakes happen. I work in accounting and can easily hit "7" instead of "4" because they are next to each other on the keypad.

Good luck.

Lost Sheep

Lost Sheep

New member
Some questions for you

It is more efficient and cost effective to get equipment that fits your needs now and for the near/foreseeable future.

We could target our advice better if you shared some information about yourself: (What I use has no relevance to you if our needs are not similar.)

So, I have some questions for you before I can be more specific.

What calibers will you be reloading?

What quantities will you be reloading for those calibers? (Per month)

How much time will you be willing to devote to those quantities?

How large of production runs before swapping calibers?

What is your budget for the initial purchase? (Not components, just the equipment)

Will you want to get your entire setup at once or, after an initial setup that does all you need, add accessories and conveniences as your experience suggests and finances permit?

Will you be putting your gear away after each session or leave it set up permanently?

How much space will you devote permanently to a loading area, if any?

Do you want it to be portable?

What are your shooting goals? Cheap ammo? Ultimate long-range accuracy? Casual plinking, Serious competition - what kind? Cowboy Action Shooting? Strictly hunting? Personal defense? Skills development?

Lost Sheep

Pond James Pond

New member
I got into reloading with a view to saving me money.

Everyone also told me I wouldn't save anything, because I'd shoot more.

For the most part, the latter is truer, although there are additional benefits. In the case of .44 Mag I simply wouldn't be able to shoot. I cleaned out the national supply of 250 reasonably priced S&B 240gr SJSPs.

The rest on the shelves is exorbitant. It also means I can load ammo that I want.

On the same note, I do save on .308 ammo and again can load ammo that I want, in this case making the most of my rilfe's accuracy.

Unless you shoot very little and have no requirements beyond what factory ammo gives you, I'd say it is a very interesting and rewarding branch of shooting related activities.


Its only math...
first figure out the cost of the equipment you want.

then figure out how much you shoot per year {you can add to that since you will be shooting more, BUT thats a weird situation, you will shoot more but only because you reload, so I would just go by how much you shoot now}

Figure your savings per round times the amount you shoot

then divide the amount by the initial investment to see how many years it will take to pay for the initial investment...

keep in mind the equipment will always have value and if you like reloading it can be a hobby of its own...

I shoot a lot of wadcutters, so my bullets are pretty cheap vs buying wadcutters ready to fire. The more expensive the ammo the more you will save, a friend of mine is constantly blowing off a half days worth of 223 through his ar's and mini's so he started reloading and said he paid for his progressive rig in less than a year... To me that is a no brainer since his rig is still worth 80% of what he paid...
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New member
It's overlooked, but reloading helps you budget your ammo money better, especially if you have multiple calibers. You just have to have the discipline to buy in bulk.

Powder one month, projectiles the next and powder/primers the next.

If you buy a count of 100 at time, you won't save much money. If you buy in 1,000 count and higher of everything you'll save a lot.
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New member
Would I save enough per box of ammo to make reloading worthwhile?

If all you do is take your guns out 3 or 4 times a year to shoot, then no. If you shoot competition monthly, then yes it would be worthwhile.

I have been shooting for over 50 years and it is only in the last 10 that I have been reloading.

On handgun ammo the last commercial box I bought was 2 boxes of 380's and that was in 2007 and before that 2 boxes of 45 ACP in 2004. I couldn't even tell you what commercial ammo is even selling for today.

I started reloading 45 ACP in 2004 because I was unhappy with the results I was getting with a new gun I had purchased. I was switching over from 9 mm to 45 ACP at the time and my best friend who was a reloader gave me some of his reloads to try. Well the results where eye opening and I have not purchased a box of commercial handgun ammo since (except for those 380's). I reload for 380 ACP, 9 mm, 38 Spl, 357 Mag, 357 Sig,, 40 S&W & 45 ACP as well as for 5 rifle calibers.

I didn't ask myself if I was going to save any money, my concern was the quality of the ammo and the results (accuracy) I could get. While most mfg's try their best on quality control, it is NOTHING like the quality control that you can get reloading your own ammo. If you like your bullets to make small groups on your target, then reload, if you like seeing your skills in shooting getting better and better, then reload. It's is not a matter of cost but of pride on your workmanship.

Stay safe and shoot straight.
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New member
Here's how the math worked out in my case, for loading 9 and 45.

Bought Lee Loadmaster for $225, incl dies. Added collater, 45 dies, 45 shell plate, large primer feed, large case feed, and 9mm factory crimp die for another $125 ttl. So just over $350 all in. Some will scoff at Lee products, and some have had issues with the loadmaster, but I have no regrets.

For 9mm, I picked up range brass, so no expense there. I use XTreme bullets, for less than 8 cents each. Powder is about 1 cent (5 gr at $20 per lb). Primer is about 3 cents. That's 12 cents per 50 rds, or $6 a box. The cheap Russian stuff was $11 at Walmart yesterday, so I'm saving $5 per box. And my ammo is better.

For 45, brass is free, bullets are 11 cents, powder is 2 cents, and primers are 3 cents. So $8 per box. This is half of the Russian ammo, and roughly a third of WWB.

Weighted average, I break even at 1500-2000 rounds, depending on the mix of 9 to 45.

My bank account isn't in better shape though, because I spend all my savings on shooting more.


New member
I reload because I enjoy it and since I am retired I have all the time to do it. There is something about hitting a bullseye with bullets you made yourself that is very satisfying


New member
It really depends on how frugal and at times lucky, you are. I got really lucked out and scored a lot of 45acp brass at no cost. And I was lucky in that over the years, my dad always went out and picked up the rifle brass we shot as kids growing up. So I have precious little cost in brass. I shoot 95% cast bullets in my pistols and as we know, those are cheaper than jacketed or plated. I buy primers when they're on sale and powder whenever I find it. And my dad already had a press, powder measure and scale. I bought a tumbler, trimmer and a few small tools for case prep.

My cost in 50 rounds of 45acp is about 7 bucks, compared to the 25 they cost in a store. But having said all of that, while I save money per shot fired, I don't really save much because I shoot more. So I'm getting much more for my money.


New member
As has been mentioned numerous times ( everytime the question comes back up) ....."you don't save a penny, you only get to shoot more!".


New member
Thank you for all the time and effort spent on giving me good advice.

I am 49 years old. I have "restored" my three antique vehicles and generally keep them running. I also make knives. I am careful about tools and machines - otherwise I would not have made it to 49. :)

I like to shoot and my young daughter is also getting interested. I like to shoot my 44's and 45's (and 32's), so it sounds like I could definitely save some money.

My father-in-law is an experienced reloader, and I would definitely want him helping me the first few times. I would never consider something like this without consulting technical manuals.

Thank you for all the good advice. I have a lot to think about now. :)