Savage recoild lug offset..can I fix it?


New member
Hi everyone! I want to bed my savage rifle, but the recoil lug is offset slightly up and to the left...before I permanetely bed the rifle so the lug has to be there for the rest of that bedding jobs life(Prob. the life of the stock) I would like to center it....How Can I do this? Do I need special tools?


New member
If you really want to fix it you'll need to get an barrel nut wrench and some sort of action vise.

Take the barrel off, replace the factory recoil lug with a sturdier aftermarket model and then remount the barrel and set headspace.

If you don't want to do that, just file down the offending area so that you can remove the barreled action from the bedding job.



New member
file it down?

Its like this, since the computer is limited youll have to bear with me here, heres the top of the action tirned 90 deg. to the left (O The recoil lug is so far off and to the left it shows above the action when you look down the rfle like a shotgun.
I Think ill just let er B
Anyone else?