Savage Nation/Phil Hendry


New member
I was wondering if any of you are familiar with a radio program called the Savage Nation. The host is a fellow called Savage.
How about the Phil Hendry (radio) Show?



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Savage thinks he's a conservative - I don't. Too many comments that violate the living daylights out of BoRs, etc. On the right track in many ways, but ... well, if I could make up a talk show host, he'd be part of the mix.

Now Phil's a whole nuther gig. If I got the right guy, his show is all made up & he does all the voices (guests as well) & then lets folks call in & "comment." A nut, but some very funny shows. :D


New member
Savage is great.

Michael Savage is the King of the talk radio shows! I can't go a day without listening to him. He is starting to overtake Rush in many of the markets and he is certainly different.
1. He is very pro-gun;
2. Strong (and I mean strong) anti-illegal alien. He wants to grab them all and pitch them back across the border.
3. Thinks that the Clinton's belong in the Federal Pen;
4. Has some strong opinions about Bush, but is solidly behind him;
5. Feels that the criminals in "the dirty night shirts" (Osama and all) should be blown to dust;
6. Feels that the use of Nucs against Sadam is not a bad idea;
7. Has a great command of the english language (holds a Phd and a bunch of Masters degrees from Berkeley of all places);
8. Has written about 20 books;
9. Thinks that the Kali Governor "Red Davis" is a Dictator and Marxist;
10. Michael Savage really and truely "LOVES AMERICA".

He is a good man and is as frustrated with multiculturalism as I am.

Phil Hendry...A very talented guy who talks to himself and cons the audience. Great talk show and very entertaining. That is my opinion.


New member
Now Phil's a whole nuther gig. If I got the right guy, his show is all made up & he does all the voices (guests as well) & then lets folks call in & "comment." A nut, but some very funny shows.
All true. I was listening for the first time one night and he "had" a "guest" who was a palestinian who was demanding a "do-over" from the Israelis. I called in and told the screener that this guy had to be a fraud. i said "This is so childish I'm wondering when is he going to say 'neener, neener'?"

A few minutes later the guy says "They say "neener, neener" to me." and that's when I started laughing so hard I nearly had to pull over.

I don't listen to him very often as the "guests" are too repetitive. He is on KOA 850AM out of Denver at ~7 or 8PM MST weeknights and KOA streams on the 'net.


New member
I managed to listen to about 10 minutes of Phil Hendry once before I started to pass out from the noxious methane eminating form his mouth.

WGST (640 AM) in Atlanta tried to run his show in the 9 a.m. slot for a couple of months. When the ratings came in, they discovered that they were hemmoraging listeners pretty fast, so they switched his show to the 7 p.m. slot. That did nothing for their evening listenership, and I think now he's on in the middle of the night. (I guess they prepaid for his show or something, and can't just drop him now that they're out the money.)


New member
One of local stations here carried PH and I will have to admit when I figured out what he was up to, I believe it was some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. Citizens Auxilary Patrol...stealing gas etc. The Guy that took back the wedding gift.

When 9-11 hit, the station took him off because his material was not appropriate to the times. I agreed but he never returned.
No other local stations carry him.

And the replacement was ........Mike Savage.

Talk about a "market transition"!!!!

95 to 99.9 % of the time not only do I agree with MS but I wish he was the President. And I did vote for W in the last election.
Next time ???? His thinking and his policies are starting to worry me. I am way Conservative and W is apparently a centrist or left of center....... were it counts. Must be a family thing:)


New member
One is our next Fearless Leader and the other is his Court Jester. Not everyone agrees on which is which.

Some see Mr. Savage as the rolling thunder from the right come to wash away the cobwebs from our narcotized brains.

The Rock

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Micheal Savage whose real name is, IIRC is Micheal Weiner-something is a right wing jack boot.

The man tramples the bill of rights like Klinton.

When I work the store and his show starts, it is time to turn.
