Savage Model 10 Predator Brush Finish


New member
Looking for opinions on this rifle. I'm seriously considering a .243 for hunting our growing Yote population and some early season deer hunting here in SC. The only Savage rifle that I have is a 06 Model 111 package gun I'm trying to get rid of. Nothing wrong with it but I've got too many 06's and want something I can shoot all day if I want to. Nice looking rifle for a plastic gun as my late father called them. I don't want to break the bank but still want a tack driver if I can get it.

Other opinions and options are also welcome, I just started my search.


New member
Since you said you already have several '06 rifles, and are covered for deer. I would recomend the .223 instead of .243. You can shoot it a whole heck of a lot more at a way lower price. I have the Model 12 Long Range Varmint in .223 Rem. It shot under three quarters of an inch out of the box with cheap 55 grain FMJ ammo:D. With my handloads it will shoot 5 shot groups I can cover with a nickel. (That says a lot right there 'cuz I am not that awsome of a shot.)
Cold barrel first shot I can nail a 8 oz pop bottle at 100 yards easily. I had to suspend my load testing yesterday due to the fact that I was shivvering from the cold. Preliminary testing was showing impressive results with Hornady 68 grain Match BTHP. Of 5 loads tested all shot well under 3/4 of an inch at 100 yards using a bipod, and sand bag under the rear. If I had not been shivvering from the 25 degree windchill they would probably have been much better.


New member
Since you said Yotes and Deer I have to agree with your caliber choice. Don't know if 22 cal is even legal for deer in your area, but the .243 is a better round, IMO, for yotes and deer both.

As for your gun of choice, I just ordered the same gun/caliber in Max-1 last week. May be a while before the order is filled, but am anxiously awaiting for it to arrive. When it comes to out of box accuracy Savage is tough to beat.


New member
I don't have the predator, but my Savage .243 is a tack-driver, right out of the box. It's a bone-stock Model 10, withe the tupperware stock and routinely turns in MOA groups with the handloads I've tailored for it.

I took a deer two weeks ago with it. About 150 yards. Not a bang-flop, but not far from it.

Savage rifle turn in remarkable accuracy for their price point. I don't think you'll be disappointed.