Savage MKII vs. CZ 452


New member
Over at my range there seems to be a lot of CZ fanboyism. They claim their CZs shoot better in factory stock configuration better than any other rifle.

We are talking 22 rimfires here.

They are generally shooting 1/2" groups at 50 yards.

I had a Savage MKII BV a while back that made one ragged hole with 10 shots at 50 yds and shoot under 1" at 100yds in the right conditions.

I know that none of you guys have to believe this and you might think I am lying up a storm but that is not the point. The point is I know my old stock rifle could out shoot any of their CZs and of course they will not even consider believing it. I know I dont have that rifle anymore so I dont let it get to me too much since I cannot prove anything.

What are your thoughts on Out-of-the-Box accuracy between a CZ and a Savage.


New member
I've got several CZ 452s as well as a Savage Mk II BVT. If I shoot the CZ Trainer with a scope, both seem pretty equal at 100yds. However, if I'm shooting in Sporter class (iron notched rear sights) there's no comparison with my 452 UL and any other 22LR (Coopers excluded) with open V sights.

There's no reasonable way to do comparisons with the "magic rifle" phenomenon. Sometimes, you just get a rifle that seems to have been made by someone wearing a robe with moon and stars on it. However, IMHO, if you took 100 top-of-the-lineSavages and 100 CZ 452s straight out of the box, I would bet that the CZs would statistically out perform the Savages with a wide variety of ammo.


New member
I would put money on 100 new CZ rifles being more accurate out of the box than 100 savage rifles, but not more than a few bucks, because it all depends on the particular rifle, the ammo, the rifleman, and the weather conditions. savage makes a nice rifle for the money and some of them are very accurate, CZ makes a nicely finished rifle that tends to be accurate and have a higher degree of workmanship than the savage.

They claim their CZs shoot better in factory stock configuration better than any other rifle.

There are several better factory rifles than CZ...and Anschutz is still the king of production rifles.


New member
I hold no dreams that every Savage MKII out there will perform as well as the one I had. I have read good things about the Savage MKII BV accuracy and the target that came with the rifle showed it firing a .6 inch group at 100 yds with Federal Gold Medal ammo. That was Savage's measurement, not mine. I dont really know how to measure groups but I do know that when all the holes are touching it is pretty tight indeed.

It is also true that Coopers and Anchutz rifles will shoot better than CZs.


New member
I love my CZ 453. Super accurate for me; perhaps the 453's set trigger (which the 452 doesn't have) makes up for my bad trigger technique or something. But it's not supernatural.

I wonder how many people who say "X outshoots Y every time" have ever actually fired both X and Y at all, let alone enough to know what each can do. You have to take fanboy comments with a grain of salt, or maybe twenty pounds of it.

That said, the CZ is a nice rifle. Presumably you won't let peoples' unreasonable claims about it influence you for it. Don't let them influence you against it either.


New member
I have a CZ 452, and the only flaw in my opinion is a clumsy trigger pull. Pretty sure upgrade kits are pretty cheap and easy to come by.

Otherwise, awesome rifle out of the box.


New member
When a man claims that him & his rifle will outshoot you & your rifle, and you believe its a pile of steaming b/s, there's only one thing left to do: Pull out a $20 from the wallet and go to work on him. :cool:


New member
You know my experience with accuracy between CZ and Savage has more to do with the nut behind the trigger...

On a more serious note, my older bro has a CZ, and I had a Savage MkII, and which was more accurate depended on who was shooting. Both rifles liked Federal Auto Match ammo better than bulk Rem Golden Bullet.

I just bought a new Savage, a MkI-FVT so it might be time for another 22 showdown :)



New member
Abel: When a man claims that him & his rifle will outshoot you & your rifle, and you believe its a pile of steaming b/s, there's only one thing left to do: Pull out a $20 from the wallet and go to work on him.
I have to go with you on this and I usually have a heck of a time on just how to respond on the origianl post like this. I have owned CZ452 and currently have a Savage BTVS. I usually rework any rifle like these and frankly I get great performance out of both. There is always a better made rifle and there and also a price that goes along with it. I also have an Anchutz that that is the best I have ever shot but heck, that's just me. Most of what I own, shoots better than me anyway. ;)
Over at my range there seems to be a lot of CZ fanboyism.
You will always have this and I remember getting caught up in the 10/22 wave that I'm still working my way out of. That is why gun makers keep putting these new guns out there, to turn us kids on. .... :D

Be Safe !!!
I have decided the only way to deal with this arguement is to buy a 452...:D

For the money the savages are hard to beat... Claiming inherent superior accuracy is common among the CZ fan boys... Never quite understood it, almost as bad as the 10/22 guys... I can say this.. My savage shoots better than I do and will smoke most of its competition with fed 510 bulk... If you want to play ball with my BTVS, you better have a fine shooting CZ 452/453, Annie or Cooper... As good it shoots, I honestly feel that I would need to buy an Anschutz to find something that shoots better..
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New member
I love my MKII. While I don't have experience with the CZ other than shouldering it. I can tell you the MKII fits me great and the balance is awesome - therefore it's going to be a more accurate shooter foe me..

groups are tiny


The Savage MKII, on average, is way more accurate than it has any right to be. They are excellent out of the box and mine shoots right in line with yours. Almost as good as my Remington 541T. I like it so much that I decided to build it into my long range special with a Bushnell Elite 10x and EGW 20MOA canted scope mount. That said, CZ's deserve their reputation. They are a more refined design and a better rifle in terms of fit and finish. I have not cycled a rimfire boltgun as smooth as a CZ.
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