Savage Fox Model B vs 311


New member
Is the stock and the splinter style forearm interchangeable between the Fox model B and the 311?


New member
Try it

I am going to say yes, I have owned both, but not at the same time.

The 311 was made for a LOT of years. The Fox Model B, not nearly as many.

The Fox Model B was just a gussied up 311, if the guns are about the same vintage I would say yes, interchangeable.


New member
If it is a standard model B I'd think so. If it is a B-SE the forend might be different. The B-SE had ejectors instead of extractors and there might be enough difference to matter. Might not. I've had both the 311 and a B-SE in the past, but it has been years so I'm hesitant to say for sure.


New member
I believe the 311 fore end attached with a screw. I don't know about all, but I do knowat least some Model Bs attached with a latch.


New member
I believe the 311 fore end attached with a screw. I don't know about all, but I do knowat least some Model Bs attached with a latch.

The 311 H model doesn't have a screw. There are minor differences between the different letter suffixes.


New member
Lots of them

The old 311's are everywhere, I call them the workingman's double. Many minor variations over the years.

I remember lusting for a Fox model B as a teenager i had one of those big guns annual edition softcover books, I just fell in love with the Fox model B.

Years later I finally put my hands on a Fox model B and I learned that I had not fallen in love with the Fox model B.
I had fallen in love with a picture and the breathless advertising copy of a Fox model B.

The Fox model B MAY have been why the term Lipstick on a pig was coined.

It's a gussied up 311, and not well gussied up either. It's not a bad gun, that said it really has no business wearing the Fox name.