Savage Bolt Problem


New member
Hey guys,
I took my Savage 110 the range today, and it was shooting great (good ammo+practice = sub MOA! I was so jazzed) except that eventually I noticed that I was having problems manipulating the bolt. It would get stuck and require lots of effort to get loose. So, I took all the ammo out of the magazine, removed the bolt from the rifle, and noticed the problem;
There are two cylindrical 'pins', each about 1/4" in diameter and located on opposite sides of the bolt. Somehow they've worked their way loose and they keep falling out of the bolt. How can I tighten them down so that they stay in place? This problem has never happened before, so I'm sure something's just loose, but I need to know how to tighten whatever it is in order to keep those things where they ought to be.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


New member
Savage bolt pin.

There are not two pins. It is one pin that has a hole drilled through it to allow the firing pin to go through it. Your pin has broken in two. You can have Savage send you another and if you are mechanically minded you will be able to replace it. Otherwise let a gunsmith or someone who is good with guns replace it.

How do I know this? It happened to me. Why did it happen? I don't know. However, I do not dry fire my Savage 10FP anymore. Anyway, it's more fun to pull the trigger on live rounds.


New member
OK, I'll just get a replacement part. What is the exact name of the pin, because I'm looking through Brownell's catalog for it and I can't find it.
Nic G


New member
It is called the "Bolt-head retaining pin." And that is exactly what it does.

When mine broke I got two in case it ever happened again.


New member
Thanks for the link, Jim. I have two of them on order now. Hopefully it's an easy replacement job.
Thanks for the help, guys.