Savage 99 in .358 Winchester alert!

Just came across this one for sale on Gun Broker:

Typical stock for one of this period, ugly as hell recoil pad, but the .358 makes all that irrelevant.

Were the situation a little different right now, I'd bid on it...

I expect there to be a lot of interest in this one. The .358s are not common, and when people find them they tend to snap them up.


New member
The .358s are not common, and when people find them they tend to snap them up.

That's one caliber I wish was more popular. I built a Savage 10 in .358 a few years back. I regret selling it. Wish I had the money for a 99.


New member
Nice, I wish I can the money for it. A .358 and a 38-55 are two cartridges I would love to have a 99 in.


New member
With no reserve price listed and no buy it now price ,I lost intrest. if the seller won't say what he want's for it ,than it is probably too much . I hate when people play games on stuff they are trying to sell . :mad:


New member
Does it look like this one of mine!:D


Mine cost me around $1000 more or less, I did some horse trading to get it. $1200 seems to be a pretty common starting point for these old "Brush Guns". Older models in .358 fetch a lot more money.

That recoil pad my be ugly but it sure is better than nothing when shooting heavy bullets! I'm hoping to use mine on elk and deer this hunting season, however the 2-7 Weaver Microtrac scope took a dump on me and the power adjustment ring is locked on 7X. If the scope holds zero I'll still use it but if not I'll go back to the old K4 for this season and send the other scope in for repair.


New member
i had a browning blr 81 steel reciever in 358 and liked it and it was only 600.00 when i bought it. i now have a 81 blr in 7mm mag. eastbank.


New member
With no reserve price listed and no buy it now price ,I lost intrest. if the seller won't say what he want's for it ,than it is probably too much . I hate when people play games on stuff they are trying to sell .

Thanks for the link, if all goes well I'll be selling a wonderful Tasco 3X9 scope soon:D

When I clicked on it it had a reserve price and an opening bid of $500.00, granted it did not have a BINP but I thought that was the intent of an "Auction", Let people bid on it and see who wants it the most. I know how much I want it, I just hope I am alone in wanting it:p.


New member
WHAT IS THE RESERVE? that is the point .not a whiner ,just a possible customer with cash . I'm sure some fool wil just have to have it and pay too much .


New member
WHAT IS THE RESERVE? that is the point .not a whiner ,just a possible customer with cash . I'm sure some fool wil just have to have it and pay too much .
Did it occur to you the seller might not wish to share the reserve with buyers? He might, after all, just be able to get higher value out of his auction if buyers don't know what the reserve price is. Auctions are all about psychology and emotions.
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New member
WHAT IS THE RESERVE? that is the point .not a whiner ,just a possible customer with cash . I'm sure some fool wil just have to have it and pay too much.

What are you willing to pay for the rifle? Put that amount in the bid for the rifle. If you meet the reserve your auto bid will not go any higer until you are out bid. I'm guessing the reserve on that rifle will be around $1000, which may be too much for your blood, but remember this is a hard to come by caliber in a rifle that isn't made anymore.


New member
NEVER BOUGHT ANYTHING I DIDN'T KNOW THE PRICE OF TO BEGIN WITH. I currently have 11 model 99's and only ever shoot one ,so I don't NEED any more . and it ain't the 1000.00 dollars ,I can afford that. but I would like to purchase another if the price were right .but I ain't going to get into a bidding war . Gunbroker just ain't for me I guess. :rolleyes:


New member

I think what might work for you is to add any auction that interest you to your 'My Auction' list and check back near the end of the auction. By the time the auction nears the close, anything reasonably priced (priced to sell rather than fulfill some seller's pie in the sky dreams) has had enough bids to meet the reserve and you can get a better idea of what it might go for.

And don't attempt to guess that a high 'Buy It Now' price is necessarily representative or near the reserve price. Some people are hoping for an over-eager trust fund baby to bite, and even the seller knows the 'Buy It Now' price isn’t realistic.

My favorite kind of auction is one where resellers have gone fishing with low ball bids early in an auction, but lost interest when the reserve wasn't quickly met. These guys often want 150+ bucks of room below how it will price on a retail rack. Once they near that gap, they fall away. But sometimes the reality is that the reserve is just 5 bucks away. I recently won a very nice BLR in the final minutes, days after everyone else quit with a $20. bump.

Ever buy at a pawn shop? Now that’s where you REALLY don’t know what the price is to begin with, and hopefully the beginning price isn’t what you’ll pay. That initial asking price is no different than a ‘Buy It Now’ button. Those guys typically have the most room between the bid and the ask.


New member
It's interesting to see just how much these rifles are bringing now. I bought mine new in 1977 for $191.00. I still have it and it's my favorite whitetail gun. If I had a crystal ball I'd have bought a dozen at the time! Of course, back then, I could barely afford the one I bought. :(

Paul B.

New member
I have one of those .358's and when I mentioned the fact to a Savage collector, he offered $1,500 sight unseen.:eek: Mine is pretty minty though. He did say he might go higher if the rifle was as clean as I said it was. Those ..358's are not too easy to come by.
Paul B.


New member
Uh.... I thought it was a no-no to post current auctions on TFL.
I got reprimanded for it before I knew any better.

This was posted in error; I was thinking of another forum. My apologies. This is what happens when you get old.:eek:
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Posting links to your own auctions is a no no.

But, this is not my auction, nor do I have any connection to the individual conducting the auction. I'm bringing the auction to others' attention, those who might well be interested in this particular rifle.


New member
There are a few Winchester 88's in 358 for sale also. That would be a nice gun in 358. I have a 308 one made in 1956 and its a shooter. Very slick and fast. The trigger is not the greatest but other than that I really like 88's.


New member
I've been seriously thinking of getting a savage 99 in 308 that has already been modified, maybe drilled and tapped aftermarket or something so the collecters value is already gone, and have it rebored to 358. Yes, I know its cheating and won't have the same "coolness" factor to some of you, but thats as close as I think I will ever get. Plus, if I ever get $1200 together for one rifle I'm going for a Winchester 71!