Savage .308 wood vs synthetic accuracy?


New member
Which produces a more accurate rifle, the pillar bedded synthetic stock or the free floated wood stock in a Savage?


New member
There is no guarantee one will out perform the other. The only advantage of the synthetic stock is it doesn't have any movement of any kind where wood could. By the same token, my most accurate rifles wear wood and have been glassed bedded and free floated. The gunstock is nothing more than a handle for the barreled action and if the rifle barrel doesn't hold the inherant accuracy, no stock will make it shoot better. Pick the one you like and roll the dice...


New member
stock choice

I have several savage rifles, some in wood and some in plastic. All have bedding posts in the stocks, and all have free-floated barrels. You can check for posts by pulling the action (remove two screws) and looking for silver tubes where screws go through stock. You can see if the barrel is free floated by trying to run a flolded (once) dollar bill between barrell and stock, from front to reciever. Contact areas can be sanded out, be sure to reseal wood.

I have found my guns (all) are somewhat sensitive to tightness of action screws, and when i find the point that they are tight and the gun shoot best, i make small index marks, usually with a felt tip marker, or use torque wrench and record settings(65 inch pounds is usually good).

I have found savage rifles to be very accurate, but a quality bedding job, either pro or good amature is one of the best improvements you can make to any rifle. Savage triggers (old ones) are simple to improve (if you know what you're doing:eek: ) and the new accu-trigger can't be beat. Shoot and clean, you won't go wrong.:)


New member
I own Savage rifles. I like Savage rifles. Do not think that a factory 'Pillar Bedded' as mass produced by Savage comes close to a custom pillar bed job. I have a 7 WSM that has some upward pressure on the barrel. It wears a synthetic stock so it came from the factory like that. It is very accurate and I will not free float the barrel. Savage advertises a free floated barrel in this model.

The simple economic facts are the 110 variants are a mass produces firearm done on state of the art CNC machines, economics do not allow a firearm at these prices to have a high degree of hand fitted parts. Ruger is right, choose what you like. Realize you may get a piece of wood that will remain active all it's life and adversely affect accuracy. IMO both the wood and synthetic stocks, excepting the 114, are among the ugliest in the industry.