Savage 12BVSS Barrel Problem


New member
I recently (this weekend) bought a Savage Model 12BVSS in 22-250. Got it home, cleaned it with some .17-22Cal patches (size important), mounted scope and commenced to shoot. After a couple of rounds, went to the store and bought some proper .224 patches. Passed the .224 patch (tight) with solvent down the barrel and found like a void halfway down the barrel. Had to push the patch hard with the palm of my hand to start, then at the void point (lack of better word) for about an inch, I could hold the rod with two fingers and work it back and forth. It is right under the black forend tip. I am waiting for Savage to open and call them to return it for imspection. Anyone else had this problem???? Ken


New member
I had a similar problem with a

.243 M 70, about late 60's production. Two thirds of the way down the barrel you could feel the rod jump ahead for four or five inches and then tighted back up. What was surprizing was that it shot quite well. If I can remember correctly it was capable of 1 1/2 groups, which for a sporter was acceptable. I suspect this condition than we would expect.........Essex


Could be fouling. Clean it out with Sweets and JB, then see if it is still there. When I broke mine in, the first shot took over 45 minutes to clean out. The first parch was navy blue in color. After breakin the barrel completely smoothed out.


New member
Exxexcounty,thanks for input. This shot the first few fired very well also, but after paying the bucks for a new rifle, figured that it should be tight all the way down. So back it went. See what they will do?? Told them I wished the barrel to be changed.


New member
918v, Fouling is not the cause of this problem. As a matter of fact, when the bore was spotless, I went back to the loose spot and wiggled the rod back and forth with an even tighter patch and got fouling out of the loose spot. Anyway, just curious if anyone else had seen this problem on a NEW rifle. Thanks for the input guys.