Savage 12 Bench Rest Opinions


New member
I am thinking about getting into bench rest competitions. I have been to a couple of local competitions and am now ready to buy my first rifle specifically for this use.

I am thinking about getting this rifle in the six BR Norma caliber. I am an experienced reloader so I have a good idea what I'm getting into in that area. The competitions I have been too have been at 100 yards. I may get into longer range shoots in the future but for now I am planning to stick to the 100 yard shoots.

This rifle comes with a 29 inch barrel. Most of the competitors at the competitions I have been to have a shorter barrel in the 20 to 22 inch range, maybe longer but I do not remember seeing anyone with a barrel as long as the one that comes on this rifle. Do those that buy this kind of rifle have the barrel shortened or do they buy another barrel?

All replies appreciated, Thanks!

Bart B.

New member
Most benchresters don't buy factory rifles. They get custom made ones or buy a used one to start with; this is my suggestion. And they typically get those with 20 to 22 inch barrels.


New member
Bart B. Thanks for your response. I found the same thing when I went to the compititions. The only problem is they were talking about having a lot more money in their rifles than I can come up with. I have an entry level scope, Weaver T36. So with what a Savage rifle would cost me, the cost of the dies, brass, bullets and other to get started, that is the limit of my budget at this time. I would like to be competing this spring.

I am going to contact a rifle builder this week that was recommended by the LGS I frequent and see what he says about what he could build a rifle for me for.

I here nothing but raves about the accuracy of these rifles. Is that only for varmitting and not acurate enough for bench rest?

Also are there any opinions about the caliber I was considering, 6mm BR Norma?

Once again Thanks!


New member
I'm no expert, but am pretty much in your position.

At our little BR shoot, in addition to the full -on custom rifles in "Open" class [about $4k up], I shoot in the "Factory" class - everything is factory -stock. This may apply in your case. I also use the T-36 scope. My rifle is the Savage 12LRP in .260 Remington. Most of the shooters here are using the Leupold 45X [about $1100].

It is unlikely you will be fully competitive against "Open" class guns but that is no reason to not compete.

I think the rifle you are talking about is designed for very long range shooting [1,000 yards].



New member
Jt, my first bench rest rifle was built pretty cheap. It was about 15 years or so ago. I bought a rifle that had a 700 action that had been sleeved, a good custom wood stock, and shot out barrel for $400. One of the other bench rest shooters gave me a barrel that by his standards was shot out, but by my standards was much more accurate than I was. He also put it on for free.
I shot that rifle for a long time. Re-barreled it a couple times. I had been shooting over ten years before I got my first true custom rifle.


New member
Thanks Guys!

I need to find out what class they are shooting at the local shoot I am wanting to start competing in. And then make my rifle decision. I am going to call them today.

Once again Thanks!