Savage 110 Ejector Issues Question

Doug S

New member
Hi All,

Recently I bought a used Savage 110. E serial number indicates manufacture prior to 1995 according to the Savage website. Anyway, it extracts fine, but it just barely ejects the round out of the rifle. The round kind of just falls out, just barely clearing or rolling down the outside of the stock. No problem extracting, just ejecting. Looking at the Internet it seems not uncommon for Savage to have extraction/ejection issues. Fortunately it also appears to be an easy fix. I'd like to order the parts and fix it, but I wanted to ask a question here first...1) I'm assuming I only need replace the ejector and ejector spring, not the retaining pin, or extractor. Does this sound right? Is it possible the extractor might also be causing the problem, and need replaced? Thanks for any help.


New member
Not sure this is not normal. As long as it is in fact ejecting the round I don't see a problem. A CRF rifle will eject the empty brass and send it quite a ways. The faster you work the bolt, the farther the brass flies. But with PF rifles they commonly just clear the action. Working the bolt faster changes nothing.

Doug S

New member
Thanks jmr40 for the info. "just clears the action" about describes it perfectly. Just. Good to know it might be normal.


New member
I don't think that's quite normal. My rifles are all push feed and eject empties a good 5 feet or better. None are Savage but my buddy's 111 kicks them out about the same. I'd replace the extractor and ejector to be sure. They are not expensive parts.


New member
I would recommend replacing the ejector spring and the extractor. Savage extractors need to be sharp, and the spring needs to be pretty snappy in order to get best performance.


New member

Have you cleaned and inspected the ejector plunger and spring. Sometimes that assembly can get pretty gooked up and the plunger will "stick" with a piece of grit, etc.

I'd disassemble, clean and lube and retry before I started changing parts.

Doug S

New member
Hi everyone, and thanks for the feedback. I haven't taken the bolt apart (I did inspect it and wipe everything down, but I didn't disassemble), but I will do so, and give everything a good cleaning. In the meantime, I ordered an ejector and ejector spring. I did so before reading the above comment about the extractor, or I would have ordered the extractor also. As of now, I'll try these first two things, and then if it still isn't right, go ahead and order a new extractor also. Again, thanks for the helpful comments.


New member
Sorry a little late with the advice but I would try some penetrating oil around the ejector and then work the ejector with a punch and see if that would free it up some before replacing. It may have some rust or gunk built up around it retarding the movement of the ejector. I have the same rifle and never had any problem with it not throwing the shells well clear of the action.

Doug S

New member
Hi Dodge,

Thanks for the additional comments. I cleaned the bolt up better and took the gun to the range. It ejected spent cases much better. In fact, based on how it did today, I wouldn't have even noticed an issue. It still ejects loaded rounds by just dropping them (kinda rolling them out over the side of the stock), but again spent cases cleared the wood, and were thrown to the rear a little. I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I might just keep the new parts as a backup and use it as is. Thanks again for the feedback.