Sarco grading?


New member
Hi All:

I have purchased parts from Sarco before, but never pistols. Their customer service for parts was solid.

However, now I am considering some of their pistols. How are they on their grading?

A few companies have reputations for selling pistols that they rate VG, that look nearly NIB. Others rate pistols as VG that...well...are barely G.

Any experiences with Sarco?

Thanks for your help!

Willie Sutton

Worked there as a high school job....

Charlie, the owner, is basically a junk-merchant of the first order. Very little of what we sold at that time was other than the cheapest crap he could cobble together. Some parts were good, some were worn out, and some were secretly made in China. Many of the parts were "removed from service" parts that had failed an armorers inspection "someplace". Of the parts sets that we sent out, I was ashamed of 9 out of ten. Of the rifles that we assembled from parts (my job), I would not shoot a single one. Trust this: If you EVER find a Pattern 14 Enfield with a black oxide finish on it... don't shoot it. I built it and trust me... it's a piece of crap. :rolleyes:

There were some gems, he brought in the Chilean 1935 short M-98 Mausers and they were pretty, but in general... caveat emptor.

Nowadays... it appears that they "might" be getting better, but.... if there's any alternative I'd use it.




New member
Visited sarco in Easton Pa and started fondling some israeli used pistols. They must have been from the desert since they still had sand in them. don't bother.