Sarah Brady

Gunner's mate

New member
I'm not quite sure how this news will affect gun owners. Sarah Brady has announced that she has lung cancer. She apparently is a heavy and long time smoker.


New member
If I made a comment about how that actually makes me feel, I would be chastised.
Lying about my true feelings would be considered polite, compassionate, and the classy thing to do.


New member
I heard about it back then too. After having all these months to reflect on it I came to the conclusion that I still feel exactly the same way about it.


New member
Sarah Brady's Lung Cancer

I have know for several moths that Sarah Brady has Lung Cancer and that the doctors have not been able to get it all.

According to our U. S. Constitution...
She has the right to die with either a Gun in her hand or a Cigarete in her mouth.

Kentucky Rifle

New member
It's difficult...

..not to be somewhat pleased when your enemy
is definitely going to be stopped by ANY means possible, however I would not wish this upon ANYONE. Not even her. Sarah's husband was horribly wounded buy an insane person. She wanted to make SOMEONE pay. She chose the honest, law-abiding gun owner since she couldn't declare war on insane people.
Listening to Sarah speak, it is obvious to me that she's not wrapped too tightly herself. (And the most shocking thing of all is when she rolls out her husband as a "prop".)
I won't be happy when she dies in the horrible manner which awaits her. I'd much rather she was defeated by logic, however I do not hold out any hope for that to happen.

Kentucky Rifle

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Too bad that Sarah ran her mouth so much;
trying to deprive gun owner's their right's
under the U.S. Constitution, that she developed
this dreaded illness. I too, would not wish
this upon anyone; but I'm a firm believer in
the ole' saying, "What goes around, will come
back around". Too bad for poor old Jim; I
guess he soon will be suffering in silence?

Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.


Cigarettes don't kill people..... it's the matches that light the cigarettes.

Her problem is that she wasn't evil enough.... I am starting to believe Satan personally looks out for the completely evil among us. How old is Reagan again........ 92?