Santa brought me a chronograph!


New member
Well the brown truck 'o happiness brought my xmas gift today, a nice new F-1 Chrony. I played with it a bit today and found my grandkids airsoft pistols shoot at their advertised velocity:) About 180 FPS.

Pretty awful instructions, and it does seem a bit fussy. How about a few tips from the gang here??

So far I have found it is very touchy about lighting. Otherwise I'm pretty happy, it seems worth a hundred dollar bill.

I started reloading this year, enjoy it very much as it appeals to my "thriftyness" and I always wanted a chronograph.


New member
Chrony chronographs are touchy about light always use the screens
as it folds be sure it is unfolded all that way or your readings will be OTL.


New member

Dave: I think I'll take a pass on the lights for now, actually seems silly to spend more on the accys. than I did on the Chrony. Our standard outdoor lighting here in the NW is overcast, I don't shoot indoors at all.

Might be an interesting 'bubba' project if the need for the lights does arise tho.

I tried the unit indoors with no joy, moved it to the backyard and it worked 1st time.

It was fun checking the package claim to the actual FPS with the 6mm airsoft BBs.

I bought the Airsofts for the boys (9-11) they are nice enough to leave them in the basement, where grandpa can play too.:)
G'day. Don't tell your mates about your new toy, they may invite you out shooting. Get them to brag about how fast their pet load is, then see if they will put their $ up. Even at $0.10 per foot of error could soon ad up.:D
Have fun and enjoy your new toy.:)


New member

G'day mate,
Thanks for that tip, perhaps I will put it to work. The idea is VERY appealing, my brother would be perfect for that scenario. The bad thing is he is recently unemployed, it would be very tough to collect:)