Sanity Check (or, is Weatherby really unique)?


New member
I'm back into reloading after a long hiatus, and I decided I'd see if I could tweak the accuracy of my bolt rifle rounds a bit... I recalled, with my stepfather's 7MM-08, seating the bullet further out than the book called for... about .01" or so off the lands... I determined where the rifling was by barely seating a bullet in an empty but resized case, coating it with a Sharpie marker, and chambering it. It pushed the bullet back in the case and marked the bullet... then I'd do it again, with the bullet seater set to seat it .01" deeper, coat the bullet with sharpie marker ink, and try again... if I got no rifling marks, that's what I would use. Seemed to make a difference in the accuracy...

Now I've got this .300 Weatherby Vanguard rifle (the low end one, not the fancy Mark V version) and I've been testing reloads in it using the 178 grain Hornady A-Max... and I decided to see if I could seat the bullet out further than the book... well, I can't get a mark to show up on the bullet using the technique I outlined above... it's simply not touching anything, even when i start with a cartridge OAL so long it won't fit in the magazine! Then I google and find this:

It seems that this "freebore" feature basically makes it impossible to seat the bullet close to the lands... is this the case? If so, is it safe to just seat the bullet out so it fits in the magazine (still further out than the book numbers), or is it even worth it?


New member
Could be.

Magazine was limiting factor on my PH 1200 7mm mag.

I set the neck up loose so the bullet would slide with limited force, but enough to where it wouldn't slide around on its own. Then, I set the bullet out as far as to still have decent grip by the neck. Next I chambered the unprimed, unloaded cartridge. The bullet was scratched. Then I moved the bullet back .020 from there. It made the gun a single shot, but accuracy was great. I keep some of those around, but usually shoot max length decided by magazine. Too much modification to my hunting rifle to change up the magazine.

Friend of mine shoots the Howa in 7mm Mag, who makes the Vanguard. His chamber is very deep as well. But very accurate.

My 'smith cut back my barrel to fit a new bolt. I think he charged 60-80$.
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New member
Yes Weatherby rifle calibers are freebored. I seat my 257 mag to the max oal specified in reloading manual, and go from there. As a side note, I had seen that link you posted and made 40 pcs of 7mm rem mag into 257 wthby. It works.