Sanford NC Walmart shooting.


New member
Why in NC?? Gives us Tarheels a bad name I tell ya.

Man arrested after Sanford Wal-Mart shooting

Posted: Aug. 1, 2008
Updated: Aug. 2 1:06 p.m.

Sanford, N.C. — Police arrested and charged a Sanford man for firing a handgun inside a Wal-Mart store late Friday.

Officers said that James Larry Kitchens, 42, got into an argument with another man while in line at the check-out counter at the Wal-Mart, 3310 N.C. Highway 87 South, shortly before 11 p.m.

The men struggled with each other, and Kitchens pulled out a handgun, investigators said. Kitchens, of 948 S. Bag St., allegedly shot at the other man twice.

No one was injured in the incident, police said.

Shoppers were evacuated from the Wal-Mart, and the store was closed for about 25 minutes.

Kitchens faces one count each of carrying a concealed weapon and discharging a firearm within city limits. He had been released from the Lee County Jail under a $1,000 secured bond by Saturday afternoon.

Investigators recovered the handgun at the scene of the shooting.

I'm assuming since one of the charges is "carrying a concealed weapon" that the fellow didn't have a valid permit.

At least he wasn't "doing the Walmart walk" with his brand new CCW and permit.

Good news is no one was injured. Bad news is this is yet another possible black eye for our side. Also may make Walmart take a negative look at carry within their stores.


New member
I hate shopping at Wal-Mart. I tend to dislike stores where I feel like I might need to be carrying a handgun and a cattle prod just to get through the check-out line. I put 'open carry' at Wal-Mart right up there with dipping snuff while playing shuffle board - not on my short list of things I want to experience this decade.:D


New member
One of the benefits of being retired, . . . when I do have to go to Wally world, . . . I go at the time of my choosing.

Lately, . . . I've done pretty good, . . . not too many knuckle draggers, mini-blimps, or escaped nut jobs were on the loose there.

I do not shop at one nearby Super Store, . . . one end is posted, . . . the other isn't, . . . until they make up their minds, . . . my money goes elsewhere.

May God bless,


New member
one end is posted, .

None of the ones around here are posted. I'm hoping that this incident doesn't lead NC walmarts to post their stores. Of course this guy wasn't a legal CCW'er, but logic isn't the strong suit of the antigunner is it?

Sanford is about an hour away from here. I've been in that particular Walmart before.


I carried openly many times in the Wall-Mart in Monroe. Not a word was ever said to me by either the WW employees or any other customers.

That jerk could mess up WW for the rest of us LEGAL CCW carriers.


New member
Sad news, I just know this will come back on us law abiding CCWers. :mad: At least they got him and no one was hurt. I've spend many of days in Sanford and been to that Walmart several times.