San Francisco Bans Handguns

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New member
Wow, that sucks...

Glad I don't live there...I see the crime rate there going up shortly...



New member
Hopefully SF residences wil flood the market with handguns. may be able to get a good deal. thats what you get for living in a communist city. gun owners should know better...Sf makes me sick:barf: :mad: Hopefully the nra can fight this.

Sir William

New member
I wonder how many real estate listings will suddenly appear? Sell but, don't sell out. The homicide rate was rising in SF, I wonder how high it will go now that seniors, gays, businesses and women are declared free game with no means of self defense? ATTENTION CRIMINALS: SF is now a CEZ. A Criminal Empowerment Zone.

Gary H

New member
I live just on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge. My county has already banned gun shows and will probably follow San Francisco in this gun ban. It is time to buy a house out of this area.

Martin Luther

New member
Banned- and by a good margin too

I thought this wouldn't pass. Boy was I wrong. It's sad how many people are willing to slit their own throats. And my smug anti-gun (liberal AND conservative) friends are so convinced this is the way to go. They're too neurotic and cowardly to take responsibility for their own or their family's safety. Otherwise intelligent and hardworking, but they're cowards at heart.

Meanwhile, I doubt we'll see the City Supervisors insisting that their security details or the police do away with their handguns.

We can't just keep writing off these losses because we are lucky enough to live in Red States. Sooner or later, it will be on our own doorsteps because the issue wasn't stopped in the Blue States.

This was a major RKBA loss in urban America. What needs to happen in the RKBA movement to prevent another SF?

Silver Bullet

New member
The people who voted for this will get what they deserve.

The sad part is that the people who voted against it will get what the people who voted for it deserve.

Maybe there's a silver lining here. When SF's violence rate soars, it will be a good lesson for other cities, if they have the courage to call it for what it is and not make up another cause ("It's Bush's fault!").

Another city to cross off my vacation list. It's become too dangerous.


New member
O'Reilly said that he didn't believe this could be enforced, due to 2A issues. This would be tantamount to the citizens voting to abolish Black people in the city limits or voting to prevent public assemblies within the city limits.


It will most likely be challenged in the courts, if so it'll likely make it's way to the "new improved" supreme court.

Then we'll find out if Roberts is a Souter or no.

Silver Bullet

New member
Since all the criminals in San Francisco will now immediately turn in their guns, I guess the San Francisco Police will also no longer carry guns: it's the law, and why should they need them ?

Attention Paris hoodlums: San Francisco is now open for business !


New member
MPD223...No they wont. According to Prop H, selling your handgun is not an option. Get ready for a butt chew, Jokingly, I posted something simuliar a few weeks ago and had 4 pages of a^s chews. I never thought this would pass, it turns my stomach just to think about it. Believe me, the cancer will grow and other areas will now try the same thing.

Never try to profit from other peoples suffering. Join the Cal NRA or the NRA now! We need to kick this straight dead in its butt...

Harley Quinn

Reep what you sow...

We will all see if that is true or not...Dis-cuss-ting :barf:

I will go to the gunshow in the area and check out the new thoughts...
Last I heard they are trying to shut that down also (gunshow). Los Angeles did that quite a few years ago.

People in Oakland are laughing and probably pretty happy.:eek:



New member
SF about to ban handgun ownership!

Been checking the voting results this morning and it looks like San Francisco's proprosition H will pass. 57 percent in favor as of this morning.

This proprosition would ban ownership of all handguns, and owners will have 90 days to dispose or sell their weapons! Proprosition does not specifically exempt LE so I guess they will have to turn in their personal weapons as well. Can't believe it!
California's strict drop test and approved handgun list, it's impossible to purchase nice older handguns. Maybe now there will be some nice ones for sale.....just being sick sarcastic of course. I feel for those SF residents that are on our side!


New member
Well, there's only one answer to that.

Molon labe.

Or, as my 20 year old says, "I don't THINK so, Scooter."



New member
There oughta be a law !

Seems like this is a local government implementing a law that runs contrary to the second amendment to the constitution. Said constitution is the supreme law of the land, if I recall my education correctly. Therefore, it will (or rather, should) probably be contested in court all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary.


New member
It will

And it will be overturned, God willing.

Meanwhile, I hope every law abiding gun owner in San Francisco just hunkers down and waits for that.



New member
Met a nice older retired SF LE at the local range who was active in fighting the proprosition. He said that the NRA would probably get involved in the court appeal.


New member
Remember a while back that town that required every house to have a gun?
They ought try that instead. :(
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