San Bernardino Incident

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New member
As I write this, there is an active shooter situation in San Bernardino, CA, near the Municipal Golf Course. They report 20 persons shot, 12 dead. THREE active shooters, all armed with rifles (they did NOT say ASSAULT rifles. YET.), body armour and other PPG.

SWAT team(s) deployed, but no information on progress.

Hold on to your hats, fellas... The price of being a legitimate gun owner and shooter appears to be about to rise. :(


New member
Three me with ski mask and body armor?
Sounds a little more sinister than just a random shooters!


Turn on your news and watch it yourself as it is live now with the typical idiot reporters and dis information and supposition.


New member
3 shooters is something I don't recall happening before. And shooting at a center to help the developmentally disabled??? What is up with that?

Let me guess: It's a gun-free zone?

Yankee Traveler

New member
Fox news says it happened a treatment center for developmentally disabled.
Could there be an act any more cowardice than that?
And yet I (we) fear this will be spun against lawful gun owners...
Buckle up boys and girls.


New member
Witnesses told police they saw three men with long rifles, a law enforcement source told CNN. The source said the suspects got into a black SUV and drove away.

OK conspiracy folks - gov't agents to spur gun control? Nah, our gov't wouldn't do that - right?

1-3 suspects, carrying long guns, - why a center for disabled folks?

Yankee Traveler

New member
Three gunmen escaped in an SUV, how many arrived in the SUV?
Could it have been some kind of breakout for someone undergoing psych eval?


New member
Soft Target~

One report is there was an activity in the buildings auditorium, and it was the target.

Now, it is being stated it was at the conference center which was rented out for a party to the Dept. of Health.
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New member
It's too early to speculate, my prayers go out to the victims.

One thing is for certain, if the shooting can be blamed on us, it will be. If it cannot be blamed on us, or God forbid, shows us in a positive light, it will be quickly buried.


New member
Just heard part of the Obfuscator-In-Chief's press release, saying that things like this don't happen in other countries. I guess his Harvard education left him unable to spell "Paris", "Port-de-Vincennes", or "Nairobi". GOD, what an empty suit he is!


New member
They are now calling this an act of domestic terror. Whether it is domestic terror conducted by right wing extremists or Islamic jihadists is unknown.:mad:

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Since we have little info, just speculating in air and politics doesn't contribute much.

So a close. If we know something, I'll or someone will reopen.
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