Samuel Jones- You Won't See this on Mayor's Against Illegal Guns Website


New member
Mobile Mayor Samuel Jones a top member of the Bloomberg coalition stopped an intruder with a gun. Hopefully the gun was legal. :)

Just so we are clear, Jones is not an anti per se, more of rube.
"It's really the mayors against illegal guns," said Mobile Mayor Sam Jones. "I mean mayors have to be against illegal guns. It has nothing to do with people's rights to bear arms. I own firearms myself."

The NRA is circulating an online newsletter accusing the coalition of promoting new gun control laws.

The group is even encouraging people to contact mayors like Sam Jones to voice their concern.

"I think it's really been twisted around by the NRA saying anybody against illegal guns is against guns and that's not the case," Jones said.

The FBI released a report this week, showing Mobile with a "top ten" murder rate nationwide.

Mayor Jones says that's proof too many illegal guns are on the streets.

"Illegal guns have become major, major problems, especially with our young people," he said. "We have 14, 15, 16-year-olds who own 9 millimeters, who either bought them from someone or bought them out of a gunshop."

Which is exactly why mayor Jones is sticking to his guns, when it comes to this coalition.

"I can't be for illegal guns and I don't see how any one of us can be for illegal guns," he said.

The mayor says the illegal gun problem is exactly why there are community programs like "Bullet Proof Mobile".

Jones says he has no plans of quitting the coalition.
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New member
My guess is that he never read up on what Bloomer boy's mayor coalition really stands for, . . . if he did and still joined up, . . . then he's just another knuckle draggin' liberal.

May God bless,


New member
"We have 14, 15, 16-year-olds who own 9 millimeters, who either bought them from someone or bought them out of a gunshop."

Please correct me if I am wrong, but you cant purchase a gun from a gunshop at 14, 15 or 16.

IIRC you have to be 18 for a long gun and 21 for a handgun. It has been a couple years since I have had to worry about the age restrictions so things may have changed.

I have a hard time believing that any gunshop with an FFL would risk losing their license and jail time to sell guns to blatantly underage kids.

Does this guy have any clue about what he is talking about?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Where is Libya?
1,2 - OOPS!

Does that answer your question about politicians? There is great scholarly literature on many things - if politicians would do research, guns , foreign affairs, science - Why - we would be better off.

Never happen.


New member
If they did research they might find themselves in less ironic situations. At least he is using ignorance instead of hypocrisy as an excuse.