Same threads, different day


New member

Hey guys, just stopping in to say hello and read a bit before running off again.

Didn't really have much to say. I do miss my guns, I hope they are doing well with dad back home. I'm almost forgetting what it's like too be a rightful bearer of arms!

Anyway, yall be safe and take care :)


New member
Hi Dave, I'm alright.

At this stage we're working in motorcycles to our repetroir, so I expect we'll eventually be hitting up those "motorcycle carry" threads ;)


New member
No :( Sold both trucks. Now I'm driving an Isuzu Wizard with a 3.1TD, so its fun to get to try out a new little diesel :D

The sushi is mmm mmm good! In fact, last night we went to our little place down the road and had some. The ramen is great here too. I know in the States ramen is cheap noodles. Well here, they're still cheap noodles, but the way they make the soup and the little veggies and meat they put in it is goood. DH and I like to stop a noodle houses for lunch when we head out for a cool-cold day of motorcycle riding. That's the best bowl of ramen a person could have. The same for udon noodles.

Oh, check out my rides. My Wizard in the background and my motorcycle, '00 Honda VTR250. I'm just learning to ride, and it took me a couple weeks to get the controls where I needed them. So, I'm still riding pillion until I get good enough to be comfortable on the street.

Last time DH and I went out for a ride, we found a gun store, which is odd. Unfortunately they were closed, so next trip up we'll stop in. We imagine it would be filledto the gills with shotguns lol
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