Sales to CA Residents by non-FFL's


New member
I've noticed that a lot of sellers on GB refuse to sell to California residents. Beyond the restrictions imposed by CA's 'safe guns' list, are there additional requirements imposed on out-of-state sellers? Can non-FFL's sell to a CA resident?

* I'm going to be selling a few pistols and am trying to figure out if selling to CA residents is worth the trouble.
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New member
A private seller is under no restrictions at all, you simply need to ensure that the FFL that the buyer in CA is using will accept shipment from a private party. Yes, the gun must appear on the "Safe" list if the buyer is not law enforcement but that's the buyers problem, not the sellers.

The only restriction on FFL's shipping to California is going through the CFLC website and printing out a letter that takes about two minutes. Lots of dealers right now are trying to play tough guy on California sales and only hurting their own customers and costing themselves sales.


New member
I'm in the market for a new or use Ruger Old Army cap and ball revolver. Ruger stop making this gun so my only option is Gunbroker/Gunsamerica but most seller dont want to deal with a person from Cali. To my knowledge there's no restriction, not yet, for this type of gun in Cali. I just want to add this gun to my BP collection.