Sales guys......

Coop de Ville

New member
How come every time I visit a gun store and say "Been thinking about getting an XXX."

The sales guy says "I have one and it's really great and yada yada."

Do these guys own everything? :rolleyes:



New member
same thing happened with me...ill go to a gunshop..with a special order in my head after doing research on the specific gun..then ill say "can you guys do the order/transfer for me?" theyll say what kinda gun is it..."oh its a m1 carbine or sks etc"..

usually the guys says "I have one of take a look at it" :lol:

i guess they do have everything...


New member
Well I worked for a gunstore when I was fairly young, so I didn't own any firearms then, just got to play with them. If I worked at a gunstore again, at this point in my life I would not own everything. I've never really like Baby Eagles for some reason... nothing against them, just never wanted one. I would have everything else though.
same here. every time i mention a gun he tells me how he has taken one to the range and put a whole mag of rounds in a quarter sized hole at 25 feet. either this guy is an amazing shot or every gun that he sells is the cream of the crop.


New member
in my late twenties i worked at the frontiersman. we litterly would fight over the good stuff. i lived in a tar paper shack with no electricity and no septic or water just so i could buy guns. what a moron. lol. bobn


I work with a guy that's not a gun store sales guy, but about hte biggest gun nut I've ever seen...

He's always saying that...

I was thinking about getting an AR30 in 338 lapua... he tells me "I've got one"

I asked him if he ever heard of the robinson arms assualt rifle.. "I've got one of those.

50 beauwolf... "I've got one of those"

It wasn't until I went to his house I realized he wasn't full of it! :eek:


New member
And then, there's those of us who've never been able to afford to keep more than a few guns at once, and so sold one or two to get another - thereby once owning or shooting or hunting with many, many different guns of all kinds, over the last 50 years.

IIRC, my running total's somewhere around 300 +/- .



New member
Because they are trying to SELL YOU A GUN.

Honestly when I hear too much experience the bs meter goes off the scale and my ability to hear them decreases rapidly.

Most of the gun guys I talk to are pretty knowledgable but you run into a few that need to stop proving how little they really know.