Saiga Rifle company out of business?!


New member
Is the RAAC out of business or is it just the Saiga that's not being made?
I called a local gun shop whose website said they had them, I called and they only had the 308, for $500 and he said they don't make the saiga.
I want a REAL AK that shoots the 762, but if I can't get my hands oN that, is the 308 any good?


New member
I was reading some reviews and watching video of the Saiga .308 over on this Saiga forum below. They shoot really good with all kinds of ammo, even the Russian steel case grouped around 2 inches or so. With some ammo they can shoot as good as a bolt action. There are different barrel lengths and stocks which may affect performance a little. But scoped they can generally shoot as accurate and reliable as anything else available for the price.
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New member
I don't think so. There's been a rumor floating around based on a sensationalized and inaccurate tabloid article that the manufacturer of the Saiga (Izhmash) was going bankrupt. I'd even heard they were waiting on approval for a new model, an AK look-alike in .22lr. The Russian American Armory Company (RAAC) is just the importer, but I've not heard anything about them being out of business. There seem to be plenty of Saigas online. Even the 5.45x39 versions, which sold out from just about every major retailer relatively quickly are once more available.


New member
What's the difference between .223,.308,762, other then size.
Is it .223 accuracy, 308 accuracy and some power, and the 762 just power?


New member
Izhmash (the Russian manufacturer) is still in business.

I had heard that RAAC no longer has the importation contract (Izhmash was really raising the costs), but that was heard from a local dealer (I consider this one trustworthy, but grapevine news from dealers can be suspect, so I still am not 100% sure). I'd expect one way or the other, Saiga rifles and shotguns will be imported, it's just a matter of who does it and how much it will cost.

chris in va

New member
This is the only article I could find on the subject. Seems the plant was mismanaged and they're in debt up to their ears, about 2 billion rubles worth. Hoping new management will help. Until then, Kalashnikov production will be halted.

It's in Russian, Google Chrome has a thing at the top for translation if you use it.


New member
I was going to get it off of Atlantic, but the FFL is to damn expencive and I can't afford it.
Unless someone knows an FFL around bay area California that will ship and transfer it under $100. Or is 125 a reasonable price? For a transfer and shipping?


New member
Cali has really high transfer costs because there's a *LOT* more paperwork to be done. I've not heard of too many transfer fees in the Golden State to be under a C-note.


New member
Hell yea it's a lot! And Don't have that kind of money to do that. They had some at the gun show a couple days ago for $300. I doubt they'll have doubt in April which is when the next one is, so I guess I'll just try my luck.


New member
Don't think so

A Saiga dealer that I just talked to, said he was going to recieve some parts soon. Like next week.
He is with CarolinaShooterSupply. I have not connection with this firm.

chris in va

New member
Fox news fielded an article that Russia will move away from AK production. The rifle had a 60 year run, time for something more modern from other countries apparently.

tony pasley

New member
I have a SP101 that I have had about 4 years and it shoots great and never had a bit of trouble from it. The 7.62x51 NATO is the same as the .308 so you can shoot surplus ammo or high dollar ammo.