Saiga question


New member
Saiga owners,,
Has anyone utilized an American made trigger group w/o conversion?
Are they essentially the same?


New member
I haven't, but I've seriously been thinking about doing it. I would also love to hear if anyone else has.


New member
If you're not converting it and moving the trigger forward, then it still needs that linkage in the FCG. Which is what makes factory Saigas have a crappy pull.

Dinzag sells a modified Tapco G2 for un-modified Saigas, but like I said, it still has that linkage. So I'm not sure how much, if any, the pull will be affected/improved. I think he makes it mainly for 922r purposes.

The difference in a factory Saiga FCG and a regular AK FCG is night and day. If you shoot both, you'll know what I'm talking about.

So really, without moving the FCG forward to where it's supposed to be, you're not going to greatly improve anything as far as pull.