Saiga performance.


New member
I was looking at Saiga rifles today in .223 and .308 for a cheap semi auto rifle and got to wondering if anyone had gone through an appleseed with a saiga and how it performed. I'm planning to do my first appleseed at some point in the next couple months and will likely purchase a Ruger 10/22 but was curious about the Saigas just the same.


New member
I've bought a 12 gauge Saiga and it has performed flawlessly. Not the same but close. A quick polish on the bolt carrier is about it.


I have a 5.45, I think it shoots a tad bit better than the .223 ones but everyone's different and I don't really like the .223 either.

Willie D

New member
Never gone to an Appleseed event but I will say that on my Saiga (7.62x39) the groups get noticeably worse once I'm around 50 rounds in. I know you shoot a lot at those events so I'm sure that would put you at a disadvantage against those .22s. Maybe it's not as much of an issue at shorter ranges like you can expect at Appleseed?

That said, my Saiga has always run perfectly and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend one for other uses.