Saiga Dragunov clone...


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So I have been looking at getting a new semi auto rifle. Among the ones I was looking at the Romanian PSL came up. I have always loved the Dragunov rifles and the PSL clones are affordable. Then I got to thinking about that pesky x54R. Now I own a Mosin but the 54R does nothing for me, I just don't like it. Don't ask me why, it's a fine round, I just don't want another rifle chambered for it. So I got to thinking. Could a Saiga be made into a more modern looking Dragunov clone? I know they make Dragunov style stocks for the AK, can they be used on the Saiga? The Ace Skeleton stock would also be an option, although the way I understand it I would then have to make the gun 922r compliant? I have some .308 ammo laying around from a Remington I no longer own. A 22" barrelled Saiga with a side mount scope and synthetic skeleton stock would look mighty fine to me. I could get the Saiga and Dragunov type stock for less than a PSL, then all I would need is the scope. Not sure I have a lot of faith in Romanian optics, a side scope mount on the Saiga would give me a lot more choices for a more modern scope. So I have a few questions:

-Is the Saiga rifle accurate enough to bother doing this? Under 2" at 100 yds would be a must.
-Can the AK stocks be used with the Saiga?
If I went with the Ace stock with the pistol grip would I have to go 922r compliant?
-Anything negative I should know about the Saiga?

This isn't a definate plan yet, still mulling over a few more choices. Any input is appreciated.
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Accurate enough to get under 2" at 100 yds I would say depends on the specs/ballistics of what round you are shooting and how good the shooter is at executing the shot.
I think that for me, a .308 would be a more accurate round than the x39mm but people are different (meaning: better than me, LOL).

AK stocks can be used on a Saiga if you convert them/do some other kind of work. Otherwise you have the option to use an un-converted Saiga stock (which I feel is more than fine). I exploring my otpions because I plan to get a Saiga soon and not convert it, my WASR is there if I want to shoot an AK configuration.

You do have to comply with the 922r law if you choose to alter the rifle in any way that strays from it's imported/sporterized setup.
(you can paint it, play with the sights, etc... but when you start rearranging parts and putting pistol grips on it then the law comes into play).

Post some pics if you go through with it!


New member
I am capable of putting 3 shots through 1 hole at 100yds with decent ammo and a 9x scope. I don't expect that much out of a Saiga but I don't want to waste my time with it if I can't get 2" out of it. That is the limit I hold my rifles to. Don't need MOA, but I do need 2".

Well on the Saiga website I see a factory synthetic Dragunov type skeleton stock, which is exactly what I want, I just can't find one for sale anywhere. If I could get hold of one of those it would cut out the 922r BS and make the project even more economical- since a fixed Ace skeleton stock with pistol grip and cheek piece is almost $150. Anybody know where to get one of these stocks? The more I think about this project, the more I like the idea.


New member

You are describing what my older brother did to his Saiga 308.

So yes, it can be done. Good luck with your project.



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Well I may have just shot myself in the foot with this project. I went and did some researching on the PSL and I may have fallen in love. I was hoping to find some negative reviews but dammit I couldn't. Everybody that has one seems to love it.

Now I know it isn't a Dragunov but its probably as close as I may ever get to one. And its good enough for some countries to issue as DM rifles. The real kicker though was the scope. The reticle is the stuff dreams are made of. And I can get one for about $50 more than what the price of a .308 22" Saiga has shot to. By the time I put the Dragunov stock and any decent scope on it I would have nearly $1000 in it.

So long story short I may go ahead and get a PSL to play with now, while they're cheap and start piecing the Saiga together on the side. Looks like I may be getting into a caliber I don't like because I love the rifle. And after all that pissin and moanin I did about it too... I'm still not going to shoot corrosive ammo though!


New member

PSL/SSG are out there in .308. There is one in a local shop now for about a grand$$$$$$$$$. The mag is a plastic thing, highly suspect, but good .308 ammo is abundant. Since I bought a 54r, I didn't bite, but I'm tempted.

The Saiga convert has been discussed from time to time on the web, I can't say where but I've seen it.


New member
bigfatts that link has saigas going way to high it is a ripoff. makes me wonder if the supplies aren't also aripoff


New member
Yea, I know. I can find the short .223 Saiga or the 12 for a reasonable price but the .308 I can't find under $550. For that kind of money I might as well get the PSL and see if I like it. If I don't I can get at least whatever I paid for out of it I'm sure. I would rather have a .308 but I can't justify the extra money for it right now.