Saiga conversion


New member
Anyone in Ohio that is familiar with converting a Saiga? I purchased one for my Father (retirement gift) and want to convert it for him. I am mechanically inclined but wanna do this right. It looks like something I could do myself without much issue but I am a bit intimidated doing it without guidance. Even if you know someone who does them I would appreciate the heads up. As I can pay someone to help me through the process. I wanna do it myself though. I know, kinda wierd request...

Thanks in advance,



New member
I'm thinking about converting my Saiga 12 to the "cool" version too. Right now I would just be happy to find where I can buy a BHO (Bolt Hold Open) for my stock Saiga. Can't seem to find one anywhere in. Can anyone advise me of any online store selling these?


New member
As was stated in e previous post, get a conversion kit from carolina shooters supply. They have video instruction on their website also. Pretty easy to install and better than spending the $400+ on one already converted.


New member
Saiga 12ga or 7.62 wasr?

I'll agree with amd6547, I'll take a tactical 12ga Saiga any day over a wasr 7.62 (depending on situation, like range..). The 12ga Saiga has devastating fire power!