Saiga .308 spare parts?


New member
Hey guys,

I'm currently considering getting a Saiga in .308 (probably a conversion of some kind). A sticking point for me is spare parts. I don't want to spend $1000+ on a rifle and then not be able to replace the firing pin if it breaks!

Those of you who own a Saiga, especially in .308: where do you go for your spare parts? Oh, and please don't say, "It's an AK, so it doesn't need spare parts!" :) Anything can break.

One other thing: Have those of you who have tried the FBMG 20-round mags found them to be durable and reliable?

Thanks for any help!


New member
I looked around at allot of different sites and basically this is what always comes up.

Most of the gun can take standard AK parts, magazines are readily available. Some parts in the trigger group and stocks are unique to the Saiga, and while unlikely to ever break, they would be almost cost prohibitive to replace with factory originals unless you have a spare gun around to strip down for parts.

Probably could go here and post that question and get a better answer to help with your decision on what would be best for your particular need in the future.


I would think that if you are getting a Saiga converted to standard AK configuration it would use standard AK trigger parts.


New member
Thanks for the replies so far.

If you paid $1000 for a Saiga 308, you got robbed.
With that price, I was referring to something like a Krebs or Red Jacket conversion. Don't worry, I know the standard rifle is way cheaper. :)

Also, I haven't bought one yet, I'm just kind of shopping around. I may indeed decide that the extra money for the conversion isn't worth it.

I would think that if you are getting a Saiga converted to standard AK configuration it would use standard AK trigger parts.
Even for the .308 version? That would be pretty nice if there's interchangeability there.

Still, I'm really a bit more worried about things like the firing pin, extractor, extractor spring, etc. I always like to have spares of these on hand for any rifle I own.

chris in va

New member
Honestly man, I don't think you understand the AK platform. You *won't* have to replace the firing pin, extractor or really anything on the gun.

Don't worry, just buy one and convert it.

Willie D

New member
Converting yourself is no big deal and you save mucho $$$.

On a .308 you don't need to worry about bullet guides or any of that stuff.