Saiga-12 mags


New member
I have recently obtained a Saiga-12 and am very pleased with its performance. One of the best shot guns I have ever owned. The only prob I have with it is the cost of mags, and fact that I can't find one that holds more than eight shots.
I am hoping that maybe by some miracle someone here will know where to get a 10 round or even better a 20 round drum. If you do know, please do not be stingy with such wonderful info.


New member
Unless you buy 8 rounders from the UK or Russia via EBay you're pretty much stuck with 5 rounders and those are going to be expensive and hard to find since EAA stopped importing them. There's suspossed to be a new importer soon and they're supposed to starting re-importing Saiga's and the 5 rounders.....rumor has it that the ATF has threatened to declare the Saiga-12 a DD if the new importer (whoever that is, can't remember) brings in 8 rounders....but they may do it anyway since there's a company in VA that's planning on producing 10 round mags....see this site and get on their mailing list:


New member

Preciate the info and site. I was under the impression that our president in his infinite wisedom didn't resign the brady and the import ban was over. I might be wrong but I di know the cost of sporter weapons have gone down.
I will prob just get some one with machining equipment to fab me a drum. I think the hardest part would be the spring. Maybe I could get hold to a usas12 drum and modify. either way I "WILL" have a large cap mag for my weapon.:D


New member
I believe someone tried to make a 10 round (or more) drum. However, the ATF basically said that if there was a drum produced for the s-12, that they would classify it as a destructive device. So the company decided not to make em. I haven't been following the saiga solutions thing, so i really can't say.

As to new magazines coming in,
Russian American Armory is importing them. You can find a list of distributors on thier site. :D


New member
I spoke to RAA the new importers a while back and was told they couldnt import the 8 round mags or the ATF would declare the Saiga shot guns Destructive Devices. As far as Americans are concerned its a bad thing.
Owning a Destructive Device is equivalent to owning a maching gun as far as legal restrictions go. The only problem is some states wont allow it period even if the ATF would approve your TAX STAMP and $200 tax to get your DD. If an 8 round mag is an issue to the ATF a drum will definitely cause a DD ruling soon enough.

By the way, unless the gun unless your Saiga has been converted from original configuration to less than 11 total ATF listed parts then using an 8 round mag is illegal in all states because of the legislation called GCA 922.