Safety Tips For Bubba


New member
I found this on the net & thought he could use some safety tips. I'll start, with this one - Sun Screen!



New member
If yer hair blows in yer eyes while yer shootin' at somethin, you might miss and hit your dog.

And make sure you got enough pots for when it rains.


New member
I would tell him to jump in front of a big truck, just as a safety precaution for the rest of the general public


And at least his ear flaps would offer some kinda hearing protection. :rolleyes:


New member
Must be one of them Canadian or Milwaukee rednecks, true southern rednecks don't wear hats like that. Also note the pale hide, and lack of tattoos.

Theres also the fact that the gun he is carrying is a Daisy powerline 880 BB gun. Oh, and Jim Beam is kind of weak for the average drunken redneck. They typically prefer White Lightning, Wild Turkey, or paint thinner.

-9999999999999 for having his finger on the trigger.
-100000000 for having the Safe off on his weapon.
-100 for not having the pump handle properly secured.
-10 for not having a genuine fire arm.
-2 for having a dorky hat.
-1 for lacking tattoos or piercings.
-25 NO mullet?!?
-Unacceptable alchohol. Whats wrong, are you out of firewood for your still?
-No farmers tan.

I don't know what kind of drunken idiot this guy is, but a drunken REDNECK idiot, he most certainly is not.


New member
I would tell him to jump in front of a big truck, just as a safety precaution for the rest of the general public

first he needs to jump off a bridge then get hit by a truck on the road below just to be sure.


New member
You can tell all he drinks is that piss water. He has no hair on his chest. Must be a northern young Bubba wanna beee.

Has anyone ever seen the movie the good son. Where macaulay culkin shoves the dummie off the over pass and causes a hughe pile up on the Interstate.

That is what someone needs to do to this guy.

It ould have been better if he would have been sitting on the road sign front porch of a trailer with his old fridge next to him and a few junk cars in the frame.

Bottle of Jim Beam $15
Dorkey Hat $10
BB Gun $35
Having a bunch of drunkin rednecks make fun of you......... Priceless.


New member
+ a buhzillion to Curtis. No self-respecting southerner would be caught dead in a hat like that. I too noted the lack of tan lines on the collar and mid-biceps. And Jim Beam c'mon...:rolleyes: Wuss.


New member
Last time I pulled in to Deliveranceville, AL the Sheriff stopped me, dropped a couple of teeth in my hand and said “put these in boy; yur liable to scare some folks ‘roun here”.
