Safety questions on a Rem 700


New member
Just picked up my first 700; a like new 1983 date coded BDL chambered in .300 Win Mag. Picked it up from a shop that does alot of gunsmithing around here and they indicated they performed Remington's "safety service", basically cleaning it out I guess.

I've heard about the AD's on these rifles when the safety mechanism gets dirty or the trigger is misadjusted - what can I do to prevent this?


New member
I assume that most of the AD's are due to tinkering of the trigger by amateur 'gunsmiths', but what exactly do I look out for in order to keep it from happening? There isn't much info I can find that details the specific failure.


I assume that most of the AD's are due to tinkering of the trigger by amateur 'gunsmiths', but what exactly do I look out for in order to keep it from happening? There isn't much info I can find that details the specific failure.

You'd assume incorrectly! There was a design change in Remmy 700 safeties in the mid 80s.


New member
There was a recall on Rem 700s back in the 80s due to accidental discharges when the trigger was pulled with the safety on and then safety released. Call Remington to see if your rifle was affected by the recall. They marked all of the rifles that were serviced so people can tell if their rifle has been serviced, but I cannot remember the details right now.


New member
Check your rifle; if the bolt can be worked to unload the chamber with the sfety in the "on" position you have one of the newer ones. The older guns have to have the safety off to operate the bolt and empty the chamber.


Here is the gig.

Remington recalled triggers with double sears years ago...

The modern triggers are perfectly safe UNTIL and UNLESS they are bubbaed AND get EXTREMELY grunged, they can slam fire or fire when the safety is manipulated.

Remington had a voluntary program to remove the bolt lock in response to a stupid lawsuit.

A clean, properly adjusted Remington trigger is perfectly safe. Especially when you keep your finger off it until you are ready to shoot, and never point the rifle at anyhting you arent willing to destroy.

WildsafetybetweenyourearsAlaska TM


You absolutely, positively sure that those "problem" Remmy triggers had two sears?

Havent had a Rem trigger recall that i can recall in 15 years (except for those old ones)

WildaretherotherproblemsweshouldlookatAlaska ™