"Safe Shell" What do you think?


New member


I found this yesterday and figured I would put it to you all... it seems easy enough, but do you think you could trust it to work? And would it be any better than a conventional lock? (I am positive it is not CA approved)

I swear I am not adverting them or selling them but it seems like a decent idea...


I wouldn't buy a gimmick that would get you into the habit of putting something down your barrel in order to make ready. I'm old school and believe that you can not make guns safe, and that the real safety is between my ears.

chris in va

New member
Eh, I don't know. Intruder breaks a back window...

"Where's that #$@ stick?"

Or the gun is left out and kids get a hold of it...

"Oh crap, did I put that shell in there?"



New member
Don't know, if you have children in the house, might be ideal. However you would have to train your self until removal is second nature. I like the ideal in a auto. I don't keep a live round in the chamber in the house, if a child does get hold of it and cocks and pulls the trigger, then it locks up, no chance of putting a live round in the chamber. I'm not going to reject the ideal off hand because I believe it may have some merit. I think it may be the cats meow for stored guns.


Eh, I don't know. Intruder breaks a back window...
(then gets met with 3 dogs and probably retreats right then?)

"Where's that #$@ stick?"
(but I keep my 45 either handy/on for maximum safety/security)

Or the gun is left out and kids get a hold of it...
(would mean I am an irresponsible parent and gunowner. My kids have been gunsafe~ since around age 4 and gunproof since age 8.)

"Oh crap, did I put that shell in there?"
(Rule #1 All guns are always loaded. Unless you meant the gimmick safety shell in which case it would be oh crap he's coming through the back window and has shot all 3 dogs and I'm either jammed now looking for a pencil or need to unload the gimmick shell if I remember its in there:eek:)




New member
2 things I don't like.

One is having to put a stick down the barrel from the end and second is pulling the trigger to activate this "safe shell"

It seems a lot of people dryfire a loaded gun or fire a glock when they think it is un-loaded my thought is why do something that could go wrong?

Put a padlock behind the trigger on a revolver and the problem is solved and you won't need to find a stick or wonder if the shell is "safe" or wonder does the Colt revolve the same direction as a Smith?

For a pistol I think there are better locks too.

nutty ned

New member
I think it would work but it would have to be activated or the first thing would happen is a BG would check to see if the gun was loaded and remove the safe shell. With kids who knows they are muck smarter than we were.
Probably not legal in some jurisdictions.


New member
Uhh, I dont think you need to depress the tip. I think the whole point is that an unwanted user doesnt know that they have to simply rack the slide to insert a live round. Make more sense??? lol


New member
I will admit it has promise. But I dont think I will be buying one anytime soon. Also seems like it could be a royal PITA if it had an issue with relocking when you go to remove it.

XD Gunner

New member
It seems that it will get someone killed. Not the BG, but the poor soul trying to shoot the BG with a gun that is "safeshelled".

When someone is intruding, your going to be under stress. Your not going to think about removing that piece of ****, and your going to get yourself shot.

I keep my "protection" close to me at all times when I am home.

If your a parent and your kid gets your gun. Your not doing your job. Use some intelligence and rely on that instead of thinking that a gimmick like that will save your, or your family's life. I see a lawsuit in the future.