SAFE meeting- New Indy RKBA group...

simonov jr

New member
Passing this on, I'm the Secretary of the group. We've got about 15 members now and need more...Sim Jr

S.A.F.E. Members, WAGC Members, and Friends of RKBA,

This is just a reminder that our next Second Amendment For Everyone - S.A.F.E. - meeting will be on Wednesday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse at Marion County Fish & Game.

7052 Crawfordsville Road (US Highway 136)
Indianapolis, IN 46224

Take I-465 to Crawfordsville Road, U.S. Highway 136 (Clermont) exit. Take U.S. 136 (Crawfordsville Road) west towards Clermont. Follow the highway under the I-465 underpass and through the stoplight. Take the first available left turn (it looks like a private driveway on the east side of the Eagle Creek bridge). If you pass Girls School Road, you've gone too far! Follow the gravel road to the right, down along Eagle Creek, and under the abandoned railroad bridge. The drive will curve back East. The clubhouse and range are at the end of the drive.

Come help support the 2nd Amendment and meet fellow RKBA supporters. I hope to see you there!


New member
I have a commitment already that evening, I don't know if my husband will be able to make it or not. Is there anyway you could e-mail me some membership information?


NRA Millenium Life Member

simonov jr

New member
We are about 15 members right now, but expect decent growth soon enough. Already have a mission statement and starting to plan websight, etc. We will do political and educational outreach activities. BTW, here's my latest email to my "rep" in Congress, Rep. Carson. She is hatefully left-wing, anti-gun (also is a member of Democratic Socialists of America). She's in 10th Dist (IN), and is the closest thing to a Schumer we have here...

Dear Rep. Carson: As I said in my recent email (which sadly you have chosen not to answer), I JUST moved into the 10th District. As a gun owner and sportsman, I see that you are not the least bit supportive of my rights in this area. Are you aware that 1 in 12 Hoosiers chooses to lawfully carry a concealed firearm? Did you know that the number of these used in accidents and crime is virtually nil? Since you are obviously out of step with your constituents (including myself) in this area, having voted to support any and all radical anti-self defense bills that come down the pike, I wanted to let you know that I will not only vote against you personally but will begin to actively campaign against you at the grass-roots level until you either lose your seat or begin to support the Constitution that you swore to uphold. We have just formed a grass-roots political action organization in your area to support the right to keep and bear arms for EVERYONE. Isn't that great? It is too bad that you cannot see that self defense is a basic human right, and first among equals as a civil right. Sincerely and regretfully, (sim jr), District 10 Constituent, I.D.#_ _ _ _ _ _ _.


New member
Andrew Horning, gubernatorial candidate for the Libertarian Party, will speak and answer questions at the next S.A.F.E. meeting (Wednesday, July 12th). I just got confirmation of this Friday night.

RugerMarkII, we will have meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of every month, so the next one should be August 9th. Right now we don't have a lot of printed info together. Come join the meetings and give us your input.

Jeff, Cool! Can't wait to meet ya.

Also, on Tuesday, July 11th, at 6:45 pm, there will be a kick off meeting for theFriends of the NRA Banquet. There will be food and range time. Directions are the same as those posted by simonov jr above. I'll be there by 6:00 to help set up. You can shoot any handgun, however magnum loads not allowed. Only .22 rifles. You can also shoot blackpowder. Please RSVP to me, by Monday night. If you don't RSVP, then come anyway! I'm sure they'll be glad to see ya.

Sorry this isn't more notice, but things have been crazy here at home and I haven't had much time (nor has the brain been in the correct gear). :p Thanks for starting the thread, simonov!

BTW, I'm the Director of S.A.F.E. I refuse to be refered to as "president" after the example set by another of that title over the last 8 years. :D

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana


New member
Hmmmmmmmm.... Supreme Allied Commander .... ya gotta like any title with the words "supreme" and "commander" in it. :D Well... wait a minute ... I guess you could have the title "Supreme Commander of Screwups" then that wouldn't be so great ... Oh well. ;)

Refuse to be a "helpless" victim.
Knowing Your Rights WAGC in Indiana