Safe humidity


New member
I hope this is the correct forum.

I'm wondering about acceptable conditions to store firearms in a safe. I have a Dri-rod in mine and it has been running a few degrees above the house temperature and around 33% humidity. What should my humidity goal be for my safe? For a dessicant, are there options that are reusable instead of throw away? Could I dry out a dessicant product in the oven at a low temp for an hour or two and put it back in my safe? I'm obviously not knowledgeable in this subject and any input would be appreciated.


You are wise to check the humidity with a gauge. If you read 40 to 45% or less you should be OK. If it hits 50% or higher you may not be OK. I only use some large mil-spec desicant packs from one of the survival outfitters. They get recharged 1 or 2 times a year and seem to be doing a good job. I have never had any rusted guns in my life (I'm 60) but I realize that some locales and some types of construction can cause a buildup of moisture that is unable to escape from a lot of new construction using super high efficiency barriers and really tight windows and doors. If 2 or 3 people in a house take a shower and the moisture isn't discharged out the exhaust fan it will flow all over the house, especially down on the lower levels. Keep checking your safe.


New member
"What should my humidity goal be for my safe?"

50%, give or take 20%.

I'm a dedicated GoldenRod user and the goal is to keep the contents of the safe 2 or 3 degrees warmer than the room temp. That's all you need to do to keep moisture from condensing on your guns.

It doesn't hurt to wipe them down with an oily rag or a RigRag. Or put VCI chips in there for insurance if you like. This is one kind:
I use them in tools boxes, tackle boxes and such. I have one in my Brownells' screwdriver set, too.



New member
I'm a dedicated GoldenRod user and the goal is to keep the contents of the safe 2 or 3 degrees warmer than the room temp. That's all you need to do to keep moisture from condensing on your guns.

It doesn't hurt to wipe them down with an oily rag or a RigRag. Or put VCI chips in there for insurance if you like. This is one kind:
I use them in tools boxes, tackle boxes and such. I have one in my Brownells' screwdriver set, too.


I am a firm believer in The Inhibitor products and use them on my guns and fishing tackle.