
roy reali

New member
I now the safety rule for crossing fences alone and with others. Step one is unload the gun. If the gun is one that hinges open to load or unload, would having the gun open be good enough. I guess if there are rounds in the chamber(s) the gun is technically loaded, but a shotgun, like an over-and-under that is open can't be fired, at least I don't think it can.

When my friend and I hunt with our over and under shotguns, we just open the guns and hand them to each other as we cross fences. We do not remove the shells. I know it would take a second, but I guess it is a habit we have gotten into.

Is there any danger to this habit?


I like the idea of unloading, then handing the gun across. You can't be TOO safe, a mistake or accident may be kinda permanent. I wouldn't break open a shotgun and leave the shells in. A knock or slip could snap the gun closed and then it would be "live" again.

It may take a little extra time, but it's well worth it.


New member
In the time it takes to read one news article about somebody blowing their face off while crossing a fence you could simply unload the weapon, cross and reload.


Besides the fact that those shells could easily fall out and get lost...... :D As long as the gun is open - it is perfectly safe. However, having crossed many a fence, both over and under, as well as slippery logs over streams, etc. - it is always best to err on the side of caution - unload the gun.