Safe Direction Ballistic Containment Systems


New member
Hey all.
Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm looking to have another layer of safety while living in an apartment (dang divorce!). Don't expect to have any issues but the reality is mistakes happen and I don't want an AD turning into a horrible event. Try to always follow safety rules but I don't have a safe direction right now. What are the thoughts out there?

Thanks for the help.



New member
sand trap

Go to home depot and purchase a 5 gallon bucket and 4 or 5 bags of "play sand" (use in all the better sandboxes).
set the in front of you couch and stare at them.
Eventually you will discover how to assemble a excellect bullet stop.
You can also do this on a budget using a pickel bucket stolen from the rear of a Krystal/White Castle and construction grade sand.

If you want to get fancy cut a four inch hole in the lid.


Just make sure you gun is always pointed into the "bullet stop". AD's have a bad habit of happening when you least expect them.:D:D

The bullet trap is a good idea when loading or unloading, but there is no way to protect against all "AD's".