Safariland Speed Loaders / need more clearance ?


New member
I have a couple of Safariland Comp 3 speedloaders for J/K frame S&W's ...

In a model 66 or 19 / I'm having some clearance issues between the frame and the edge of the speedloader - where its just too tight to get into position to drop the rounds into the cyclinder cleanly especially with .357 mag rounds. Its a lot better with .38 spl's / because the shorter round lets me change the angle a little - and the loader drops into postion better for a quick release...

Anybody try and grind down the side of the Safariland speedloaders / to get a little more clearance ( before I just do it and potentially break them ...)..


New member
There is a chance that you might have the Comp-3s that are designed for the L-frame instead of the K-frame guns. If the model number is 797-350-002 then it's for the K-frame, if the model number is 797-351-008 then you have the L-frame speedloader.


New member
I've never heard of grinding the side of the speedloader, but here's a link where they discuss grinding the bottom:

If shorter .38s load fine, this mod might work ok.

Are you sure the grip interfering? This fairly common. Some grips accommodate speedloaders better than others. Maybe consider modifying (read:grinding) the grip or using others.


New member
I had not thought of grinding down the base ...

but no the grips are not interfering ( I have wood - finger grooved S&W grips on the guns ) / but shorter would be better and that may be the trick ?


New member
As an alternative to the Comp-IIIs, you might want to check out the Jet-Loader. Those come highly recommended by the guys in the BEnos revolver forum.


New member
I love Jet Loaders! I don't know that they're any shorter or smaller in diameter than CompIIIs, though. I can check when I get home.

BigJimP - that BrianEnos post on the CompIIIs is pretty wordy, so at one point, I pulled it into a single Word document and edited it to make it easier to read. I can send it to you if you like. Just PM me.


New member
IIRC, S&W target grips are pretty wide. I'm not surprised they're interfering with the speedloader.

Since you're using CompIIIs, I assume you're not carrying this gun? An alternative to the target grips might be some Miculek grips - they tend to be fairly thin and typically accommodate speedloaders nicely.

If, on the other hand, you like S&W target grips, but are hesitant to grind on them (they do look pretty nice), and if your 19 has a square butt, let me know - I have a old pair of plain Jane target grips that one could grind on with a clear conscience.

btw, that's quite a nice collection you have!


New member
fwiw: Jim Badger will cut down the left side of his grips for speedloader clearance.



New member
You're right, I'm not carrying this gun ( I'm a 5" 1911 guy primarily ) but I collect and shoot some of the older S&W's ( I'm not really a collector / I'm a shooter ). But thanks - I'm happy with the collection. (I've added a couple more model 27-2's both nickel, one 4" and one 6" recently) ...and its been fun to accumulate each one of them over the last several years.

Thanks for the offer on the grips as well / but I have a couple of older target grips that were beat up when I found some of these guns ... so I'll do a little "selective grinding" with a spindle sander on one of those - and clean them up as best I can / and then just use those grips as my "training grips"...if I can't get these reloaders to work nice and cleanly.

The S&W Finger Groove grips are pretty hard to come by around here / especially in K and N frames ....and I think I had to pay $ 75 - $100 for the last ones I picked up at a gun show a few months ago. Photo isn't too good ....but I've reconditioned the grips with a good cleaning and some wax ... and I like to keep the guns polished even though they aren't safe queens.

Thanks again for the email from the Enos forum. I put an order into Brownells this afternooon for a couple of Jet loaders too for K and L frames - based on your recommendation - and I will try those out as well. If nothing else - some of the boys or grandkids will have some fun with the reloaders and the revolvers too.

Now if any of us could really shoot and reload like Jerry Miculek ...that would be fun ....but its not in the cards for me anytime soon.