Saf-T-Hammer = Nothing New = Same Old S&W


Taken directly off the Saf-T-Hammer Corporate Profile from their website.

Saf-T-Hammer™ has been a publicly held company since 1999, and is led by CEO Mitchell Saltz and President Robert L. Scott, former Vice President for Business Development for Smith & Wesson. Scott, who joined Saf-T-Hammer™ in December 1999, brings extensive industry expertise to the company. Saf-T-Hammer™ employs a core staff which includes Director of Public Safety Sales, Paul Cunningham, who spent more than eight years in marketing management with Smith & Wesson and two decades in various law enforcement capacities in the state of Delaware.

I think we need to see positive action from Saf-T-Hammer/S&W before we assume that it's anything but business as usual. Especially when you consider that 2 out of the three top guys are ex-S&W executives. The third is the inventor that started the Saf-T-Hammer company in the first place.


Moderator Emeritus
Not to mention the fact that Saf-T-Hammer's core business is greatly enhanced by silly "built-in locking device" provisos of The Agreement. Saf-T-Hammer has about as much reason to ditch the agreement as Sister Cleo the Psychic has to pronounce ESP a fraud...
Yep, that's been my refrain all along.

S&W's management has to prove that it is worthy of support by voiding the agreement. There's no other way around it.

Supporting the company just because it's new American owners is both premature and EXTREMELY dangerous.


New member
I think you guys are being a little harsh.

After all, the patriotic saviors of Smith and Wesson have only owned the company for about four months. What do you expect? A press release or something? The owners are still hanging pictures in their offices and filling out forms for government grants.

Maybe we need to give them a little more time. I'll bet if we all went out and bought a new unobtanium micro blaster they could afford to hire someone to handle the pesky details like public relations and preserving the integrity of their product line.

Besides, the agreement isn't being enforced. No point worrying about the barn door if the horses aren't running down the road. There's plenty of time to boycott them after the next election. Heck, if we wait about six years, we can boycott all the manufacturers at the same time. I'll have all the guns I need by then anyway.


New member

I expect S&W management to wise up and serve their customers.

Or, they can be just like every other business that died from poor business decisions.



"Not to mention the fact that Saf-T-Hammer's core business is greatly enhanced by silly "built-in locking device" provisos of The Agreement."

...not so fast there, Tamara.

The planned "new" models of *&* revolvers don't use Saf-T-Hammer's device, which is trigger-guard mounted. I don't know about the pistols.

The infamous fascism-inducing "agreement" [nee' sellout] only deals with new production, so I don't know how their biz will be "greatly enhanced".

Not to say that I'll be buying any post-sellout *&* revolvers anytime soon...I agree that they must totally renounce the federal and Boston "agreements".

We can't betray our Rights as American citizens by allowing the to determine what the firearms industry produces, markets and sells. Once fascism is introduced, the industry is is any other industry that the federales want to destroy.


New member
Just because the & agreement is not being enforced is meaningless.

It will rise from the dead just as soon as a democrat takes the White House.

The company must take active measures to destroy the agreement and admit in public its actions were injurious to constitutional liberty.

These people must serve as an example.

Having said the foregoing I still mainitain the company made the correct business decision. They made precisely the wrong decision for upholding constitutiional law.

E. BeauBeaux

New member
Till the agreement is gone, I'm gone, I've found enough of that brand used pre-agreement to satisfy any itch I might have. Void the agreement is the only way to save the company.
Sorry we're boring you, Cuerno.

Given your stated views, that you don't really care about the agreement, why do you even bother opening these threads when you can be out buying new S&W products and helping erode our rights?


New member
I have said this before and I'm saying this again.

Why should we only boycott S&W?

Look at Kimber. Look at Weatherby. They are using S&W products, why do we not say to boycott those companies?

Look at Ruger. They sold us out back in 1994.

Why are their no petitions or battle cries to boycott Ruger, Kimber or Weatherby?

Are those who do business with our enemy, also our enemy?

"why do you even bother opening these threads"

I kind of like p*s*i*g y'all off. :D Smith and Wesson boycotters are a fun fish to troll for <LOL>.

"Why are their no petitions or battle cries to boycott Ruger, Kimber or Weatherby?"

Because almost to a man, Smith and Wesson boycotters are HYPOCRITES.


New member
I don't buy ruger. I was in the market for a 22 rifle. The default is the ruger 10/22. After I heard about what ruger did, my money went towards a few romanian bolt actions.

To the people who side with S&W: Imagine walking into your favorite gun store and discovering the following:

-They no longer sell 'Assault Weapons' as defined by the government.
-They no longer sell any high cap magazines. Doesn't depend on date of manufacture. All high caps are prohibited.
-They won't sell you any gun until you "have demonstrated that you can safely handle and store firearms through completion of a certified firearms safety training course or by having passed a certified firearms safety examination"
-That if you want to buy two handguns at the same time you'll have to wait 14 days until you pick up the second one.
-That part of your purchase went towards anti-gun advertising.

Are you fine with all of these policies? Do any of them upset you? If your state implemented these rules, would you not protest?

I guess it's okay for the government to achieve its gun control goals if they come via a gun maker.

Oh, I forgot to add: All the firearms in the store are now 10-20% more expensive because of the costs associated with complying with the parts of the agreement I didn't list.
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New member
You know, I think it might be time to take heed regarding cuerno's persistant arguement that we should be hitting Kimber, and Remington for that matter.

A few hundred e-mails asking these manufacturers why they are supporting a company that is trying to affect their businesses in a negative way might be enough to get them to cancel their contracts with S+W. The hint of a similar boycott may be enough to make them re-evaluate their choice of business partners.

The resulting loss of income to S+W might help them get off the fence. It might even offset the chashflow they are enjoying due to cuerno's patronage.

As for Ruger, it's about ten years too late for that one. Get over it.


New member
Why not take the opposite tack i.e. "business is business and I'm going to go out of my way to buy from companies who do something positive and proactive for the RKBA"?

Rather than running a boycot list mebbe' you guys should be making an effort to develop a good guys list, eh?

Beretta? Glock? SIG? Kahr? Kel-Tec? Springfield Arms? Bushmaster? Winchester? Taurus? Savage? Marlin? Thompson Center? Or the gazillion little guys who struggle to make ends meet and produce a really good product?

You could call them preferred manufacturers and keep a running tab of how much they do to further our civil rights? Maybe even start a thread telling all the good things? You could appoint cuerno de chivo as head honcho in charge and keep him occupied. :cool: