SAF sues New Mexico over legal resident alien CCW permits

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Hot on the heels of their win in MA, the SAF has announced that they have filed suit in New Mexico to have those portions of their CCW law ruled unconstitutional, as they pertain to legal resident aliens.

The SAF news release is here.

I'll add the case to the list as soon as I can find it... If anyone else finds it first, please post all the details here.


New member
I hope the SAF wins the suit. I don't understand why legal residents aliens aren't afforded the same right as citizens to protect themselves and their families.

Edit to add the word same
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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Complaint is here: In a brief 9 pages, it spells out everything that needs to be said.

Here's most of the entry I'll be putting up, right after this post:

72. Jackson et al v. King et al: Case #12-cv-00421. Filed 04-21-2012. Seeks to invalidate New Mexico CCW law as it affects the inability of lawful resident aliens to obtain a permit (NMSA 1978, §29-19-4(A)(1) of the New Mexico Concealed Handgun Carry Act). David Sigale and Paul Kienzle, attorneys for the plaintiffs.

Internet Archive
Justia Summary


New member
I understand when these suits are won, the amount of $'s involved is typically some trivial amount, $10. Why wouldn't the permanent resident (or other SAF client) claim their 2nd Amen. rights are worth $1B? Wouldn't that likely be a much bigger deterrent? What am I missing here?
How does a person who has been denied a permit to carry a firearm but who has never been assaulted or injured in an incident where having had a firearm might have made a difference show that he/she has suffered any economically quantifiable loss that an award of some dollars would make right?
I'm hoping that it will soon follow, that if alien residents may not be denied a license, that out of state residents may also not be disqualified on that basis. Are you listening, NY, NJ, HI, etc.?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
On the resident alien question, we have the following:

SD - Smith v. Nelson - Win at District. Permanent Injunction was issued.
NE - Gonzales v. City of Omaha - Win, Temp Injunction issued. City changed law.
MA - Fletcher et al v. Haas - Win at District (clock is still ticking on appeals).

On the firearms outside the home question:

MD - Woolard v. Sheridan - Win at District. Appealed.
NC - Batemen v. Perdue - Win at District.
WV - US v. Williams - He lost the case, but not before the Judge agreed that outside the home was a right.

On the visitor from another State question:

CO - Peterson v. Martinez - Awaiting a decision at the 10th.

Precedent is beginning to stack up.


I heard about this yesterday, and am very glad that it has happened. I am looking forward to SAF's success, and NM having to change its requirements accordingly.


New member
You know, I'm happy the SAF is helping to fight for the rights of legal aliens BUT

There are entire states of born and bred american citizens that cannot in any way shape or form legally protect themselves with any kind of weapon. I guess I just feel a little left out, like they could maybe be doing more to help us in the freedom hating states.

I know they need to pick their battles and go win when and where they KNOW they can but I guess I just feel like although this is nobel cause that maybe they should focus that attention places like here, cali, and IL first...

Don H

New member
RedBowTies88, instead of waiting for someone else to do something to improve the laws of your state, you could contact the organizations who have a track record in this area and volunteer to become a plaintiff in a lawsuit. RedBowTies88 v. New Jersey has a certain...panache.


New member
Oh I certinally try to do my part and am a member of some groups. and to the SAF's credit there is an ongoing lawsuit against the state of NJ at this moment.

I just feel like were lacking a national outrage. It seems like the answer from most people is "move to a free state" that would be nice however its a viable option for all of us. Some of us are tied to a business or family members or both and cant just up and move.

I guess what I'm getting at is I don't understand why more people aren't genuinly upset that their fellow american citizens are being denied their rights. I feel like if we banded together more as a country that maybe it would help shed some light on poor ole us in the commy states :eek:

BTW Don, I love your home state...they were kind enough to issue me a non resident CCW permit so i can carry on vacation :) Its a good feeling to be free. even if i only get it once every few months


New member
I hate to say it, but the reason there aren't more people upset about NJ, NY, Cali for example is "it's not happening to them". The other reason is the sheeple here in NJ keep electing the same bunch of ignorant yahoos who support these laws.

The majority of NJ residents don't give a damn about guns or gun rights, so we aren't a priority. I think it falls under "You can lead a horse to water, but..."


New member
I completely agree with you, but you know you would think people would be more upset.:confused:

What if I just walked on over to texas and took you right to carry a firearm open or consealed? took all your mags over 10/15 rounds and made any pistol grip shotgun or rifle with a threaded muzzle/bayo lug/moveable stock illegal? what if you could only buy one gun per month? and that only after waiting 1-6 months for the permit to do so and pay 20 dollars for the permit you just waited for.

You as a free man would be awfully upset...but it seems like "hey its not happening to me and they can move" mindset if stopping there from being a massive outrage and outcry.

I wish more people truly understood what it was like to not be free to protect yourself or your family. It's not just an inconvience its an injustice.
I hope the SAF wins the suit. I don't understand why legal residents aliens aren't afforded the same right as citizens to protect themselves and their families.

Funny thing, they really do. What they aren't getting is the permit to carry concealed. They can own guns. They can open carry guns. They can carry in their vehicles.

I'm hoping that it will soon follow, that if alien residents may not be denied a license, that out of state residents may also not be disqualified on that basis. Are you listening, NY, NJ, HI, etc.?

Probably not. They won't really care one way or the other until suits are filed and then they will address the issues in court. Just because something happens in one state does not mean it will happen in another and they do know that. Moreover, a change in the law brought about by a court decision isn't that big of a deal. It isn't like the state will have a damaged reputation to worry about.

The majority of NJ residents don't give a damn about guns or gun rights, so we aren't a priority. I think it falls under "You can lead a horse to water, but..."

..., but horses don't vote and getting them to drink water won't address the gun rights issue.


I wish more people truly understood what it was like to not be free to protect yourself or your family. It's not just an inconvience its an injustice.

Although it seems trite on the surface, if you really feel that strongly about it, make plans not to stay there. I know it's not an easy thing to consider for several reasons and I don't think it's as simple as saying "just move," when it comes down to it- plan on getting out.

As someone originally from MA, I feel your plight. But I got the heck out of there and don't like going back even to visit. And if you do leave, write many letters to the attorney general, governor, DPS equivalent, senators and reps telling them why you left and they no longer have your tax money.

You have to look also at the fundamental differences in shall issue and may issue. NM is shall issue and the only dis-qualifier an otherwise non-prohibited legal alien faces is lack of citizenship status. May issue involves a whole host of other issues.