SAF gets big check signed by Rahm Emanuel


New member

It's good to see some funding arrive for the next legal challenge.

I'd like to see cities change their overly restrictive gun laws voluntarily to avoid paying fees but I guess it's ok if they fund the next challenge. Unfortunately for the taxpayers, some politicians will spend public funds in an attempt to make a point.

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
I'd like to see cities change their overly restrictive gun laws voluntarily to avoid paying fees...

I'd like to see it rain silver dollars tonight, too. The sad sorry simple fact of the matter is government believes it's entitled to all the money it needs and wants, and it's further entitled to spend it as it pleases. Actually, I can say that more concisely: money is to government as heroin to addicts.

Nickel Plated

New member
Pretty disgusting how much of the Chicago taxpayer's money they spent trying to infringe on those same taxpayer's rights and now they're paying double for it because of their idiotic stubbornness.

but i guess it's a sizable donation to a worthy cause.