Sad Safety Reminder


New member
Maine lost a great 2nd Amendment advocate and a great journalist recently:

Mike (M.D.) Harmon probably spent some time here. He was everything we could hope for in a journalist then as a columnist. M.D. was also a Vietnam veteran and a recently ordained Minister. In short he was an ideal voice for gun rights. Yet he was killed in an accidental discharge tragedy. Please be safe.
May the Lord bless him. Very sad occurrence. From time to time we all may take safety for granted. Please be safe guys. All guns are always loaded.


New member
Sorry to hear.
But why would anyone with firearms experience hand a loaded gun to someone, and then allow it to be pointed it at them?
Is there something strange about this?


New member
Sad indeed.
Why I always ck a weapon before handing it to anyone and I check everyone handed to me even if I just watched someone else ck it for clear.
It only takes that ONE time.

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Texas45 said:
Why I always ck a weapon before handing it to anyone and I check everyone handed to me even if I just watched someone else ck it for clear.
Which, of course, is the way it's supposed to be done. EVERY time. This very unfortunate incident only demonstrates that there cannot be any exceptions or lapses.


Active member
“The circumstances under which the gun was introduced is still under investigation,” said McCausland, who did not know why the gun was loaded. “It is just one of the many questions we have.”

I wouldn't jump to any conclusions here. There is no evidence (at least none provided in the article) that Mr. Harmon handed anyone a gun. I wouldn't presume that he acted negligently. There's just not enough information to presume this.


New member
The subsequent police investigation didn't reveal anything beyond the initial report. Mr. Harmon died from a shot that hit his neck after he handed the gun to the teenager. No charges pending, and his family has described this as a tragic accident.