Sacramento DOJ Protest Thursday 2/24/00

Patrick Seeber

New member

I know this belongs in meetings or politics.... Hopefully moderators will cut some slack on this...

There is a protest sceduled for Thursday in Sacramento. A good friend, and a man I trust has been working on this since mid January.

Please check out this link. If you are in California, you really should be reading this and seeing if you can get someone there to help support this event...

Here is the link:

Here is a cut from the post, twords the bottom:
(Pthfndr says)
Some good news! had a chance to meet with two representatives from CalNRA's Sacramento office. They were very enthusiastic about our protest/demonstration. We exchanged phone numbers and they said they would call me to let me know how they could help us out, i.e, getting the word out, media release, etc. I am feeling very up beat about our prospects at the moment.

Please pay attention to the dress suggestions and other details.

Yah, I know that there has been some flak over this sight lately, but if you are in California, being a splinter won't get you very far...

Regardless of who organizes it... This would be a great event to attend and support to help get the word out that you will NOT allow them to take your second ammendment rights!!!

Best of luck to those of you in California - Hope you get this repealed!

Hope is not lost till you quit sucking air...
