SAAMI specs


New member
I can't seem to find what the SAAMI specs are for the 44 Mag. Was told to go to, but it seems to only give dimensions. Trying to find out what ammo is acceptable to shoot, and if I need to reload. Want the most powerful (within reason) HC loads for hogs, but it seems the ones I find are +P or are like -P. Need good hog loads. Thanks.


New member

Thank youu for the SAAMI Centerfire Pistol Standard PDF.

Does anybody have the newer peizoelectic pressure measurement version?

SAAMI Piezo transducer spec is 36,000 PSI. CIP Piezo transducer spec is 41,000 PSI. The SAAMI copper crusher spec was 40,000 cup. SAAMI lowered the peak pressure when they changed over from CUP to PSI.