SAA question: Why do I shoot to the left?


New member
I'm using a 5.5 inch USFA Rodeo. With a two hand grip it groups tightly at point of aim. One handed I'm off to the left. I'm sure that it has to do with the gun pivoting to the left at the onset of recoil. Can anyone tell me how to hold the revolver so that I can hit something? Is there a good book on using the SAA? Thanks.


New member
You might be pushing the gun left with your trigger finger when you shoot one handed. This can be offset by pressure from the other hand when shooting two handed.

You might also be putting too much of your finger into the trigger guard. Lots of people use the tip of the finger, others use the first joint. Either one works, but if there is a problem putting less of the finger on the trigger might help.


New member

because your right handed. lefties have the opposite problem

PRACTICE and lots of it will not only help but be fun! Do not adjust the sights

J Miller

New member
Here is a bit of info I ran across first hand.

Single actions do not all have the same grip shape or size.
This will also make a difference where your groups end up.

For example I have an OM BH 7.5" in .45 Colt, with the factory installed XR3-RED grips. Since the day I got this revolver I had fits putting the groups left of point of aim. This occured mostly standing with one hand, but to a lesser extent with both hands, and not at all from the bench.

As years passed I noticed the anodizing was wearing right above the trigger guard. After a while I became aware that I was actually using my trigger finger to support some of the weight of the gun. Thus the wear. After an extended shooting session I would also come home with a sore finger. The extra quarter inch of space between the handle grip and back of trigger guard was throwing me off. Nothing I did to change my grip helped.

Then on eBay I spotted an XR3 Grip frame. I got that and some grip pannels and installed them on my ruger.
It was an instant cure for the problem.
By putting my hand closer to the center of the revolver and closer to the trigger I found that I wasn't using my trigger finger to support the gun. Only to pull the trigger.

This has helped my shooting considerably. Now I just need to practice to get rid of the old habits.


New member
For me the cure to shooting to the left when shooting a revolver single handed is in adjusting the squeeze I put on the grip.

If I match the squeeze to the weight of the trigger, ie heavier squeeze for heavy trigger and lighter squeeze on a light trigger I instantly cure my shoot to the left problem. What happens is that my trigger finger does not have the ability to affect my grip on the gun when I squeeze it properly.

Once I get the right level of squeeze down for a particulary revolver, I can get consistent and easily repeatable results every time.