S&W Web site - S&W's interpretation of the deal


New member
I just checked out S&W's web site (www.smith-wesson.com). They have annotated the agreement with their comments on what it means.
An interesting example is the hi-cap magazine restriction on dealers - they say it would just apply to S&W guns so a dealer could sell Glock hi-cap magazines.
They will also provide software to dealers to help them with the electronic inventory requirement.
The agreement is still very onerous on distributors & dealers but not quite as bad as it initially appeared as many of the requirements apply to S&W.


New member
And you believe them? Yeah Right!!!

The only justice for a traitor is at the end of a rope!!!!
Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!


New member
The things S&W agreed to have sold us out in the worst way. It doesn't matter what will apply to them and what will not. How very generous of S&W to offer free signs and free (REGISTRATION) software. I can't wait to get my name in that database. Their spill on the web site is basically "come on guys it isn't that bad". Scary thing is Klinton would say the same.



Staff Emeritus
The contract nowhere specifies that certain mags will be banned. More specifically, it does not say, "Smith and Wesson hi-cap mags will not be sold."

It says quite clearly that Hi-Cap mags will not be sold. If you don't lay out the exemptions, then there are none.

If S&W's lawyers haven't pointed that out yet, then S&W needs to get new lawyers.

I think that the lying, sleazy, moral turpitude and semantic dancing of the Clinton administration has infected Smith and Wesson.



New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I think that the lying, sleazy, moral turpitude and semantic dancing of the Clinton administration has infected Smith and Wesson.[/quote]

who do you think wrote the interpretation?

S&W has been assimilated


Bob C

New member
I fully agree LawDog's comments.The references to S&W only in the interpretation aren't supported in the document. Maybe S&W thinks they have an oral agreement with the Feds? Those are worth no more than the paper they're written on!! IF I buy another S&W, it will have a 1999 or earlier manufacturing date.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by alamo:
I just checked out S&W's web site (www.smith-wesson.com). They have annotated the agreement with their comments on what it means.

I read this "interpretation" a day ago.
I'll wager that S&W and HUD's lawyers wrote the interpretation due to the vocal resistance of the people of this country.

This is damage control. However, should the oversight Nazi's come down on a dealer...whose interpretation will be used in the ensuing fight?

Sorry...no dice, Mr. Shultz!


New member
I posted elsewhere just as a matter of interest, take a look at the Schofield page.
Let's boycott Smith?. Bids are going up and now most of the guns have been bid on.

Hey guys,Welcome this new commitment by Smith and Klinton, It will make you safe,Repeat after me It will make me safe.
It's all for our good and our childrens good.

I pledge alligence to Smith and Wesson and the Klinton states of Amerika.
This is getting scary,I'm gonna have nightmares :(

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

Brian Bilby

New member
Yea, the agreement says "not sell any semiautomatic assault weapon as defined in 18 USC 921...". Well, soryy Smith but your Clintonista form of lying won't work this time. Any means ANY, not just Smith who never made a gun on the list in the first palce, so give me a break.

Smith has gooten dumped by their two biggest distributors and they are trying to mislead people into reordering product till the real specs come down.

Smith doesn't get to interpret the agreement, that's left up to Oversight Comitteee who will interpret it in the strictest way.

Smith screwed us, the dealers and the distributors and we should return the favor.



New member
No more of their stuff in my shop. The customers have spoken.

As for the part about mags and slg's (scary looking guns),you going to beleive they would not put in specifics if they didnt want to cover everything that might be out there?

Hang 'em High!

7th Fleet

New member
Boycott Smith $ Wesson, why take this treason lying down. I own a total of 23 Smiths and I will buy no more. I am just glad that my father didn't live to see this sorry turn of events. He loved Smith $ Wesson and was a collector of their products. I will keep what I inherited but will buy no more new ones. As a matter of fact i won't even buy Smith $ Wesson handcuffs for my police dept. They deserve our scorn for their underhanded sellout and not our continued business.
