S&W SW99 trigger pull...is it me or do they all suck?


New member
I was out to the range yesterday shooting several .45 caliber pistols back to back including a USP-45, Sig 220, EAA Witness steel full size, Glock 21, three different 1911s and a S&W SW99. While I had no functional problems with the SW99 and the DA trigger pull is good, I can't believe what a mess the SA pull on that thing is. It was bad enough to make the Glock trigger feel like a match trigger in comparison. Sort of a long mushy pull with a lot of takeup a slight second stage but no real let off when the striker was released. I'm thinking that if I had a Ransom rest that the groups would have been better but from the sandbags, it was pretty hard to get decent groups with it at 25 yards. So are all SW99 trigger like this? Other than that, I like it alright but that trigger really hurts any chance for decent accuracy. Next time I go to the range (weather depending) I plan to try some combat shooting with it to see if the trigger is a problem off the bench but for right now, call me unimpressed with it.


New member
Yeah, mine's pretty bad. No worse than my German made Walther P99. I think this is endemic to the design. It's a service gun and no department wants to give their officers guns with a decent trigger pull. And, yeah, it is worse than the standard Glock trigger.


New member
yes this is the design so there is no accidental pulls, you have long soft trigger with second step set so once you pull back the second part of the trigger is quicker. i dont enjoy any SA trigger pull for that matter. for practice my hair trigger 44 mag is the nicest but when i say hair trigger i mean it. nice close groups like 2 inch at 25 yards hand held. do that with a SA.